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    Yeah, especially since we weren't gone for all that long. I imagine if it were more like a year or two, things might be a little different.
    Well it was a different brother this time, and though its still irresponsible of him to do something like that, I can't be too mad at him, because he has this condition where even though he's 17, he has the mind of an 11-year old, and I know that the kid he invited over took advantage of the fact that he was so naive and passive. That kinda makes me even angrier honestly. I don't like people messing with my family. And your image isn't too far off, if I see this kid downtown I'll probably galactic punt his ass...

    Oh. Well thanks and all... <3 But you should probably get me to a hospital... xD

    No! *Hugs* Only I can do that.
    Really? You think they'll still let me into Neverland? =')
    That's true, and you better not have been calling yourself that while I was gone.

    I'm in the garbage disposal; try sticking your hand down there and pulling me out!
    You think so, BiBi?
    Awww, you really wouldn't mind it? xD Well don't worry, I'll try and draw you something you'd actually like. So how's XIII? =) I'm surprised you took a break from it to be on TFF actually.
  2. View Conversation
    (*claps* Good job! =D) I don't try to laugh too loud, though, because I might squeal. =P You can develop laughs from other people, though? xD Heeheehee, I knew it! xD Hey, listing them wasn't hard, you know. ^~ But yep, perfect! <3<3<3
    I love you for loving me for loving you for loving me for loving you for loving me for loving you! <3
    Oh, really? XD Text is really hard. <.< But I usually make mine transparent and just recently, decided to have many different fonts spell out a phrase. =3
    Aww, that's a good thing, right? =)
    I bought it, but I can't play it...>.> I never found reasons to buy me a PS3 before, until now, when I realized my error. SO, I went out searching for one in like, seven or eight different places, but they were all SOLD OUT. Next shipment is like, Thursday, but still not guaranteed. =( But I WILL NOT play the 360 version. Never.
  3. View Conversation
    OMG I accidentally closed the browser before I finished typing this, and now I have to do it all over again. xP

    Yeah! Its nice to be back. Did you feel the same when you came back? I remember a while ago you were gone for a bit too.
    Okay since I explained this already before I accidentally made everything disappear, here's the abridged version. My brother and his friends meet some kid a little older than them downtown, somehow he ends up coming back to our house and sleeping over, except while everybody was asleep, he raided my room (I was at a friend's that night) and our living room, then left the house. =/
    I won't come to your birthday party!

    I imagine this would be incredibly painful if I could actually feel anything...

    Then you can just lose the competition. ^_^
    Since when have you told me that?? I seem to remember you teasing me about being old! Though you guys tend to make me feel young, I also sometimes feel pretty old around you. xD
    Weirdo. =D

    Yay! You fell for it!
    Nah man, BiBi you'll stay. Though both names are equally as cute!
    Sure thing! Just don't expect it to be good, but its the thought that counts right? xD Hmmm. Want me to draw you the Jo'Bros? Yeah, I'm sure you do. =) I'll make it a pin-up calendar-inspired drawing. ;]
  4. View Conversation
    (Nope, what do you think "M meeh meh, Meeh-meeh!" means? XD) I laugh loud, too, so everyone always looks at me and goes, "Uh...okay? It's not that funny, [Fate]." xD You would never! Heeheehee! I wuvvle you, too! =D Weeeeell, you have the same birth year as me, you're the same age as me (now), you have a ton of similar traits as me, we think alike, we like a lot of common things, you're smart, you're funny, you're sweet (to me <3), you're a graphic artist, and many, many more~! <3
    I love you for loving me for loving you for loving me for loving you! <3
    Well, the only thing I can point out is that the text is a bit...stand-out-ish. =3 I like the font, but it seems strange single-colored. =) (Also, it looks like you forgot to erase the white parts above Fayt's belt and below his hair. ^~)
    I made something new, too! CLICKIE~! And rawr, a cheap matching avatar x3: Lool.
  5. View Conversation wasnt tat hard. I bet all FF lovers r very excited 4 it.I am..but I wont get it for a while
  6. View Conversation
    (Kyle, my mehs actually mean something, you know. xD) My teacher just looks at them and make remarks to the whole class, and they still don't notice. xD It's not cheating, Kyle; I was enhancing my chances of winning. ^~ Hahaha, works for me, then! <3 A looooooot of things, too numerous to mention! <3<3<3<3
    I don't take advantage of your typos. xD They're so addictive...<.< Admit what? =D I luff you~
    I love you for loving me for loving you!
    D'aww, cute banner, Bro~ =)
  7. View Conversation
    hmmm..*thinks really really hard* FF13??
  8. View Conversation
    hehe.. We havent talked in a ya been,Ky?
  9. View Conversation
    I <3 ur siggy,Vivi! But..*sniffles* where am I? jk jk
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    I think the Gummi missions are much better than the first game, far more engaging. Except the last mission is a doozy. I forgot who his/her voice actor is... >_> (It can be at first, y'know? HAHAHAHA! I'd still rather wait, besides, I need Negative Combo to complete the Junk Sweep job.)


    It really is. That must have taken a while to create!
  11. View Conversation

    I still love Sunlight Storm. It's my favourite Gummi missions. His voice tormented all who listened. o_O (Slapshot is so confusing, y'know? I'll beat Seifer when I've defeated Xemnas, I want to save all the sidequests for absolute last.)


    It's perfect!
  12. View Conversation

    I'm getting quite far in my KH2 Normal 100% run. I'm back at Twilight Town, and god, Vivi's voice really is horrible in this game. o_O (Also, I've done some testing with Slapshot. In all my playthroughs, I never understood what it did. At first, I thought is increased your attack speed, then I thought it was an add-on to Dodge Slash, and now I have no idea. I've tested... and it seems to be a quick two-hit combo to replace your normal 3-hit combo with a finisher. I dunno, I'll look into it more, later. Time to save Seifer's useless ass. )


    ... I love you, too.
  13. View Conversation

    Make a game that's AWESOME!

    H~\o/ =D =P =X
  14. View Conversation
    You ready to battle again????
  15. View Conversation
    Alright one last question how much too add for the over limit???
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About ViviMasterMage

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 15, 1995 (29)
About ViviMasterMage
I'm a boy. Apparently I'm a Pyromaniac but I don't notice it... Firaga!
Manchester, UK
Swimming, Gaming, Animation, Photoshopping, Drawing, and Watching Videos :D
Favorite FF?:
I love them all except XII but it has to be Final Fantasy IX
Fridge Guard
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My things:

My TFF Family!:
My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
"The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

My Fatey!:

Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
Fate's beautiful haiku:
Lost in reverie
Memories drifting through me
So calm like the sea


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