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    LOL! There are some awesome things though!
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    ... Well, I'm happy playing FFVIII, I still have to play FFVI though...

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    Not a whole lot, kinda ticked about losing both Sephiroth AND Rufus, but Oh well!

    I have some textures, do you have a modded PSP, at any rate, here's the Modding subforum (On Dissidia forums): Dissidia Workshop - Dissidia Forums
    I'll send some textures I modded if you would like.
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    Interested in Dissidia modding? (IE, changing the way things look in it.)
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    =S (I like the faces, just sometimes theres too many -__-')

    Heh, I'm going to start my fourth year of high school next year... aren't we the same age or something? I honestly don't remember, lol. Actually, we have it harder than some other places, because our pass is 60%, and I know there are other places with a pass of only 50% -__-' Yesh, big words make Padraic smart too! =P. CORRECTION (lol, sounds too much like objection =P) He's as slow as a toaster, cuz those things can be quite slow! (I MEAN VERY GRAH!)
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    Haha, I was never good with scientific things, so I don't know what to believe. xD *huggles* <3<3<3 (I need to come over there with you now! ='( I'll be waiting for you, my love~!) (Hey, now, don't you say that! =( What did I tell you about self-confidence? Actually, I think that was Shiny; I told you about optimism. x3 Anyway, don't say that about yourself~ And don't you dare reply with a "but I am" attitude, either, got it, luff? =)) Mah caring Kyle-cake! <3 Visit me once in real life? =D But you're not leaving, so I won't need to worry, right~? =3 Haha, savor it! x3 (Aww, this again? You know I love you more!) Hey, not our fault we're so smart we can't be nice! ^_~ I like the first one more than the second, but they were both nice! ^_^ Though, I tend to like gothic rock types songs most. =) Got any? Oh, and for you: Through Hell, Before the Dawn~ You might not like either, though. x3

    Just demi-God powers? Sure you won't want moar power? 8D

    Well, you are what you are! =D And I'm a cat, apparently. ^_^"
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    Not just because of that, but the whole "Its not as fun if you're willing" thing accompanied with it, its kinda hard not to warp how it sounds a bit. =P My mind isn't in the gutter, its in the sewer! And no, you don't win, I always win.

    So soon? xD Wait, when did you change your name? And I'm glad you like your nickname. =)
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    Hahaha, it can be as long as it'd like, but I LOVE YOU, TWINNY! <3<3<3 (I get to sit on your shoulder while you take me around, right? ^.^ Gawd, get me to England now! =O) (Hahaha, hey, it's better than me growing a foot! xD) You know I'm your little Fatey-kins~! ^_~ Aww, and I love you too much to let you leave. I'm totally confused right now, but who cares? xD Hehe, using that excuse to win everything, huh? Haha, all righty, then, you win ('cause I luff you)! =D I think it was devious, because we weren't such a nice duo! =P Yep, my favorite band~

    Ha, I typed nature, so I guess that's why I was so limited in good selections? Yeah, I forgot that I'm a god! 8D Let's go rule the world, love!

    Oh, of course! Because you're sweet and awesomeness and Kyle-y? ^_^
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    Kekekeke, I don't know what you're talking about. =) Stop being willing BiBi, its not as fun that way! ...That doesn't sound right. And I'm not playing this game with you! xD

    Yes, being forgotten sure does suck huh? =P Lol just teasing. And I already said I'd never call you Nova. BiBi you are, and BiBi you'll stay.
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    =P (it works wuite well! =D)

    Oh, that makes sense, so I take since its "secondary education" that you are in high school? (that IS creepy lol) Our marking system doesn't use "A"s and stuff, we go by percentage but I get what you're saying. I like big words, they make me sound quite sophisticated =P Correction Fate is VERY slow at things =P He shows it off to me quite often aswell =P (See there are a lot of faces...)
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    Just because you don't see the poetry in death (a' la Kuja) doesn't mean I can't fantasize. =P Silly BiBi, the reason why I can hurt you like that is because of all those things~! <3 I love you... more... dang it!

    Nah man I'm already used to it. ^ ^ But I don't think I'll ever call you "Nova", can't get used to that.
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    I like it, you are Nova, now. But that'll take a while to get used to. *nervousness*

    Well... to make a long story, and I mean a LONG story, short, the internet died where we are. And for about two weeks, my dad lazily forgot to fix it. We took it to the Geek Squad and they fixed us up good as new. Not only that, I finally got my computer fixed, too. It's got sound back, and I no longer need to stay up until 2 in the morning to listen to a music track or two.

    ULTIMATE woot.
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    XD ( Yeah, I'm trying to stop making the little pictures appear... =B)

    Whats a GCSE? Sorry, I can have a slow comprehension rate at times ( I also sometimes use big words =D I'M LEARNING =D) but I can say its faster than Fate's, although he'll probably try to disagree =P
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    I don't throttle those who want to be, silly. On the day that you next forget me, whilst you go about your day blissfully unaware of my presence, you'll soon be reminded of me when my fingers slide around your neck in the most elegant manner, and you'll realize too late your mistake. <3 Don't start this "I love you more" war, it will never end. xD

    I see. The only reason I recognized it was you at first was because of your avatar, and because you called me "Magey", and because you said you forgot about me again. =P
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    Well then, use that break the best you can and good luck with your GCSE.

    As for the new games, too many to count, though I must admit, I haven't payed any attention to the newer ones. Right now I'm trying to beat Bioshock and Phantom Hourglass. Any you, playing anything interesting right now.
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About ViviMasterMage

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 15, 1995 (29)
About ViviMasterMage
I'm a boy. Apparently I'm a Pyromaniac but I don't notice it... Firaga!
Manchester, UK
Swimming, Gaming, Animation, Photoshopping, Drawing, and Watching Videos :D
Favorite FF?:
I love them all except XII but it has to be Final Fantasy IX
Fridge Guard
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My things:

My TFF Family!:
My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
"The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

My Fatey!:

Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
Fate's beautiful haiku:
Lost in reverie
Memories drifting through me
So calm like the sea


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