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  1. View Conversation
    Sounds like you know how to live your life to the fullest! I really envy that! I realized such things like this a little too late, so now I've gotta make up for wasted time in the past. But its cool, I too hope to have a life I can be proud of and a career that I won't end up despising in a few years! =P
  2. View Conversation
    A very basic one...I'm still learning. I don't have photoshop, but I downloaded a program from that Meier uses. It's free too, which is ALWAYS a good thing for me!
  3. View Conversation
    I have a spare.
  4. View Conversation
    *blushes* Thanks for the User Note VMM!
  5. View Conversation
    It's all in good fun, lol.

    Keep up the good work in your siggy making!
  6. View Conversation
    I got to take the tablets today, but I had to take the nighttime-specific medicine last night, and it was liquid, so I had no choice in the matter if I was planning on getting to sleep last night... xP
    That's a good way of putting it! I'm just glad it got pretty balanced out, so the more "depressing" characters like Terra and Cloud were matched up with some of the more "upbeat" people like Onion Knight and Tidus and co. Its just too bad that the dialogue with their respective enemies in the Destiny Odysseys were more or less the same.

    Hero: "Its you!"
    Villain: "You have character flaws!"
    Hero: "Oh no, they're right..."
    Cosmos: "Nah dude you're cool lol."
    Hero: "She's right!" *Wins*
    Villain: "Oh teacakes." *Loses*

    Alright, just making sure! I know far too many people who go out of their way making people happy and never try to accomplish their own happiness, but I see you're not like that! =] That's a really good goal, I admire people who already have an idea of what they want to do at such a young age!
  7. View Conversation
    OMG!!! I love the sig that you made for xXCloudXx! It's really great! I hope you post it in your sig thread so I can give you some rep for it!
    You totally deserve it!
  8. View Conversation
    I was at school.

    Anyway, I'm back now, so I'll explain to you how to utilize the Exdeath leveling trick. First of all, you're going to have to finish Cloud's story to do it. After you finish it, go through a second time. If you have unlocked the locked areas from your first time, then you should be able to get the Summonstone that is in chapter 2 of his story. That Summonstone contains the Magic Pot summon. Remember that you need the Magic Pot, not the Magic Pot (AUTO).

    After you do that, go and buy Exdeath for 500 PP in the PP Catalog. While you're at it, you'll also need to buy the CPU Level Cap + ones all the way up to 100. Don't worry, it's worth it. It's good to do this on a Bonus Day or one where you get a boost in EXP. You can also equip a Chocobo Wing/Feather/Down if you want, for another boost.

    Now, go to Quick Battle and select Exdeath as your opponent. Raise his level to 100 and his difficulty to Maximum and equip the Magic Pot. When you enter battle, he should already have thousands of Bravery points. Your goal here is to make him get his Bravery points to 9,999. Just get hit by him, attack him to innate a Chase and then let him get you with a Bravery attack, or if he has Odin, he'll just Break you. Watch out for his attacks, though: Delta Ray, Almagest, and Grand Cross. Dodge if you see them.

    Anyway, once he gets his Bravery points to 9,999, you'll most likely be broken. Run around until you are no longer broken. This is vital. When you're out of the red, use your Magic Pot summon, which only works when you are not broken, to copy his 9,999 Bravery. Destroy him now. And for even more EXP, do an Ex Burst to kill him.

    That's all there is to it. It's much shorter than it looks to do.

    And yep, I'm here. =]
  9. View Conversation
    Yeah, I know how to dish the pwn.
  10. View Conversation
    Well its the dreaded liquid stuff that I was forced to take last night, and let me tell ya'. I didn't feel like throwing up that badly, until I drank it. Talk about counter-productive, eh?
    Haha yeah, Cloud and Squall... Imagine if they were the two who split up together? All the bland conversations they'd have! I was just a little disappointed that they went with Cloud's "emotionless" personality that he kinda had in Advent Children and the Kingdom Hearts games, they guy had more personality in the original FFVII! I mean sure he wasn't no bucket of sunshine, but he could at least cheer up a bit. =P
    That sounds sorta like like my views on life. Just make sure that you don't ignore your own needs while making people happy!
  11. View Conversation
    Sorry, but KH 1. That teaser was rather... interesting, although they fudged Kairi up.

    Fate's become like a Dissidia wiz now. -_-
  12. View Conversation
    ok let me know when you are done with that
  13. View Conversation
    well remember cloud's idea maybe you can go ahead and start all of that.
  14. View Conversation
    Oh yes, because Cloud and I are just tired of those gnarly tasting medicines we've been forced to take. How about you, Vivi? You sick of swallowing the disgusting concoctions they call medicine?
    Dissidia's definitely been making me want to go back and play through some Final Fantasy adventures myself. Have you beaten it yet?
    Hey don't apologize silly! I was just saying it was amusing because you put a smiley face after mentioning that you possibly have the flu. As if its something to be happy about! =P
  15. View Conversation
    My feathered cap.
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About ViviMasterMage

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Date of Birth
March 15, 1995 (29)
About ViviMasterMage
I'm a boy. Apparently I'm a Pyromaniac but I don't notice it... Firaga!
Manchester, UK
Swimming, Gaming, Animation, Photoshopping, Drawing, and Watching Videos :D
Favorite FF?:
I love them all except XII but it has to be Final Fantasy IX
Fridge Guard
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My things:

My TFF Family!:
My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
"The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

My Fatey!:

Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
Fate's beautiful haiku:
Lost in reverie
Memories drifting through me
So calm like the sea


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