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    Hey hey, I'm trying to make you feel better about having no hair here. xD
    *Dodges them* What do these needles even have in them??
    ...That's an interesting way to put it. Still, doesn't change the fact that I'll neeeeever teeeeell~.
    Hey knock it off BiBi! *Runs out of range and hides behind a rock*
    She certainly does! She almost got Wendy killed because she tried to get in the way of that.
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    *Giggles* You're so silly BiBi. But think of it like this; the less hair you have, the harder it is for a zombie to grab you by it, next time there's an infestation.
    *Glares* You keep away from me with that!
    Its funner if you don't.
    Now you're just wasting MP! Can't you turn the "spontaneous white magic" off?
    Tinkerbell sure seems to think otherwise. Teehee~!
  3. View Conversation
    Why would he make you carry this around?
    Well clearly you need Lvl. 100 fighters to make porn videos, so it only makes logical sense.
    No way. If I give you a clue, then you're gonna start guessing. To no avail.
    Happy? Why's that?
    No... they really didn't. Plus, if Yuna and Tidus ever had any sort of relationship in the KH series, it'd just be odd, not only because of the age difference but... she's a pixie thing...
  4. View Conversation
    *Raises an eyebrow* I'm confiscating this hair dryer.
    Well, you never know when it comes to you, BiBi.
    Nope. I wouldn't waste time guessing either, since really... you'll never ever guess it.
    Not your color, but better than the other outfit that's half burnt up.
    It is also weird though because, Yuna, even though she's like some weird sprite/pixie thing, looks like the same age she's supposed to in X-2. But if KHII only takes place like, two years after the first game, then Tidus would be like, the same age as Sora, maybe younger... Weird.
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    *Goes through your bag* Hmmm, why do you have a hair dryer in here? ...Ah, here we are. *Passes you an ether*
    What kind of videos? =>
    I never said I wanted to know anyways. xD Too bad you'll never know my name, though~.
    Apology accepted, now go change into clothes that aren't burnt.
    Yeah they definitely did. I mean, it was a cute idea to have them as kids on Destiny Islands, but they clearly didn't plan it out very well. Pretty sure Nomura is kinda just making things up as he goes though, so that explains it.
  6. View Conversation
    Hmm... *HP has stopped decreasing* Hey, what do you know, it cured it! You okay? You don't look too good pal... *Kneels down*
    Ah, I see. Yeah, I kinda refuse to use the Exdeath trick, mostly because leveling up all my fighters gives me something to do whenever I'm bored, or waiting for the bus, and stuff like that.
    You didn't guess his name either, did you? =P
    That's much better. I don't want to see you ever pulling nonsense like that again! Especially not with fire. xP
    Maybe so, but I still don't like KHII Cloud or even Advent Children Cloud nearly as much as Cloud from the original game. They gave him such an emotionless personality. I think they nailed Yuffie just fine in KH though, she's so cute.
  7. View Conversation
    *Watches her HP dwindle down to the hundreds* Well, considering that's like, the only thing that can cure Disease... Awww man, I'm gonna die BiBi.
    Wow, nice! Did you grind them that high, or use the Exdeath trick? My only Lvl. 100 is Zidane, and my second highest is Kuja, whom is in the 40's... then Kefka, then Gabranth, then Emperor I think... and everybody else is quite a bit lower.
    Hm? Does Fate have a unique name as well?
    What the hell BiBi! You got yourself into that situation, you can get yourself out of it!
    Well, if you ask me, most KH counterparts of FF characters end up being way suckier than their originals. Heehee. =>
  8. View Conversation
    Aaaah! You don't have any Vaccines?
    Haha yeah, they're way different than any of the others. So who are your highest leveled peeps?
    Nope, not even close! I wouldn't even try guessing my real name, you'll never ever get it. I've never met, or heard of a single other person with the same name as me.
    Whether I care about you or not isn't the issue, if you keep pulling stunts like that, then you'll end up dead because I didn't come to rescue you! >:T
    Haha, that distant cousin of yours sure did have a funny voice. I'm just glad there are no Zidanes here.
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    Haha, I won't then.
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    I don't have an opinion of Manchester. I've never had a reason to visit there.
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    I think so! ...Hey, how come my Max. HP is decreasing...?
    Well, Shantotto is a little annoying to use, since she's very limited, and her spells not only are hard to hit their mark, but after she casts them, she's left vulnerable for at least two full seconds. Gabranth, well, he can only deal HP damage once he EX Bursts... But still, both characters themselves are awesome.
    "Jennifer"? That's not even close to my name!
    Don't do that, silly! Or you'll end up like the little boy who cried wolf!
    *Blinks* How am I supposed to chase after you now?
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    Should it? Gaaah. To you, or everyone from Manchester? =S

    Eh means "Eh" or *sigh*. It could be better, but I know it could be much worse.
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    I never meant it as an insult. I just meant as in... didn't it start there? =S

    London is eh.
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    *Blinks* Hey yeah, I can see! Thank goodness, otherwise all of my attacks would miss.
    Do you know who they are yet? They're both kind of... what's the word, unique? But I enjoy them all the same. And yeah, the Emperor is so irritating to fight, I swear he's one of the worst! But he's fun to play as.
    How did you guess? =O
    To make you spit out all the marshmallows! Otherwise you might have suffocated BiBi.
    Oh no no no, you're ruining your box! *Chases*
  15. View Conversation
    Eww, mint tea. Green tea is nice though.

    You said tea bags. And I don't know if it's a factor or not, but you live in Manchester. XD
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About ViviMasterMage

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 15, 1995 (29)
About ViviMasterMage
I'm a boy. Apparently I'm a Pyromaniac but I don't notice it... Firaga!
Manchester, UK
Swimming, Gaming, Animation, Photoshopping, Drawing, and Watching Videos :D
Favorite FF?:
I love them all except XII but it has to be Final Fantasy IX
Fridge Guard
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My things:

My TFF Family!:
My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
"The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

My Fatey!:

Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
Fate's beautiful haiku:
Lost in reverie
Memories drifting through me
So calm like the sea


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