Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. Good Follow my one rule and I will stay on the forums Break it and I am outta here and yes the game ends at 7 points unless you have made the game play different in which case 10 points can be gained I have seen it myself of course that also means you have used a Hacking Device
  2. That was at you, to show I'm telling the truth.
  3. Vivi if that is directed to Ralz I am going to leave but if you are asking a ligit question to me then I will answer
  4. Then what's this:

    If a team leads the game by seven goals at any point in the game the game is ended and the team automatically wins.
    There are now eight players per team; three Fielders, four Defenders, and one goalkeeper.
    There is only one five-minute round, with no break half time.
  5. Vivi I am the God of Blitzball and we are joking around not being real and no war on my VM board is it that hard to understand I want people to think this is a nice little forum not a war zone
  6. "It's been so long, but I remember getting a 10-0 in a game once."

    Ralz is lying, because you can only get 7 before the game automatically ends.
  7. I told you, I was doing homework. I'm finished now.
  8. You still haven't added me to your Family I am sad
  9. Hey did you get my PM?????
  10. Ok sure PM me
  11. Well, I'll send you a PM if you like. Basically his been lying to us all.
  12. No biggie I get alot of people doing that to me I tend to just stay away from bad situations but if I may what exactly was it that started it all?????
  13. Sure, I suppose.

    I don't mean to take it out on others, sorry ethan.
  14. Ummmmmmmmm I don't suppose this is a good time but would you like to join my ff family?????
  15. You're damn right... played me like a fool.
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