Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

258 Visitor Messages

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  1. Appeasing "IT"? I'm okay about Blitzball for now.
  2. Sorry about the post yesterday I was apeasing someone so want to know any more about blitzball???
  3. I'm great, don't worry!
  4. Hey Vivi how are you today?????
  5. Hey Vivi the Emperor of Black Magic is needed in the hall of Blitzball heros are you comming ???? look I am sorry for what happened is there anything I can do for you????
  6. Good Night Vivi cya when this is over
  7. I know it will take time but somehow I know you 2 can do it and if you think I was bluffing you're wrong I will leave I have to be honest this wasn't my most favorite night here
  8. I used this tactic to help Ralz out last time. I'm really sorry but I can't forgive him.
  9. Well Vivi what do you say????? put it to an end or I go away???? Taking all my knowledge with me
  10. Sorry I can't remember I am waaaaay too tired I have cooled a battle between you and Ralz that is making me Tired so please stop I am begging send a message to my E-mail when this is over then I will come back
  11. So, you've fought the Dark Aeons, Nemesis and Penance?
  12. I own both and the American Version has an Unending Blitzball tournament Which is how I know sooo much
  13. I don't trust that video myself... I think he has cheated, some how.

    Or maybe it's that mine is the international, and yours is the American version?
  14. I don't know but I do know he isn't lying because I have seen it with my own eyes
  15. So, Ralz cheated then?
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 258
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