Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alther Primus

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  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Perfect match... zzzzzzzzzz... long... zzzzzzzzz... wedding! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
  2. Lulz...
  3. Tal;k to you tomorrow PMTH! *does the Spock sign*
  4. I know, the best sub-concious you could EVER have!

    Sorry, I hate to leave but I have to be up early tomorrow, going to a wedding!
    See you tomorrow hopefully! PMTH for life!
  5. Errrrrm, you do it first, then I'll CnP.

    I just PMd you something I'd like you opinion on, (Preferably in PM)
  6. WOW... must be some subconcious LOL!
  7. I have been your sub-conscious all along! LOL!
  8. OK,...

    *checks to make sure I'm not missing something, because it seems that you ARE me.*
  9. Me too! Another thing we have in common!
  10. I guess so, I DID pass on the couples question.
  11. Well many males have THAT in common surely.

    I guess we could start by putting our self's in each others vote, as the rules stated "You CANNOT nominate yourself for an award that only goes to one person, but you can as part of a couple, group or club."
  12. Errrrrrrrrm, Let's just say, I hold hem in LOW esteem. I also love chicks! Antoher thing we have in common!

    I dunno.
  13. Got a problem with gays?!... No I'm not, I love the females! ;P

    Awesome that you agree but... How do we get up votes for ourselfs babe?? Rofl!
  14. Eeeeeeeererrrrrrmmmmmmm, you're not... gay are you? If not, then we can try, for LULZ, but if so... *gets into a fighting position*

    It's because I love you! I just want to win a award! (And I love you.)
Showing Visitor Messages 481 to 495 of 799
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