Conversation Between Victoria and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

102 Visitor Messages

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  1. I got it from google, then I saved it on to my Computer, then I uploaded it.
  2. No you didn't. You just told me to google, and that didn't help.
    You had to upload the picture to TFF from somewhere on your computer, right?
  3. I would like the Other picture in it too...But I Don't exactly know what you mean by High Res picture of it...I gave you the link to the Original picture, where I got it from.
  4. Oh, okay...Thx
  5. Use the [img][/img] tag. Put the URL i provided in between the tags.
  6. Did you read my post? I told you how.
  7. Okay...I got it, but its a PNG File. How am I supposed to add it to my Sig? Could you give me the Steps on how to be able to put it in my Sig?
  8. It's going all right. I made your signature request today. It's in the thread.
  9. Hello Mistress Sheena How r u doing today?
  10. Oh well. So, how is everything? How r u?
  11. Meh. It was work. Nothing exciting.
  12. LOL So how was Work?
  13. Oh. Okay.. Well, whatever. =P
    Good morning. XD
  14. thats odd...My computer said that you were online...So I just sent you a message.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 75 of 102
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