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  1. View Conversation
    I know. OCD kicked in when I saw one red out of all the green reps I had. xP
  2. View Conversation
    Woahhh, I got a bad rep for mentioning the Irategamer? Huh. >>;
  3. View Conversation
    I don't know if I'd want someones face on my sensitive penis, I dunno I'd feel like they're were about to bite it off or just hurt me regardless. Its whatever.
  4. View Conversation
    Why on earth would you say something like that? Whats wrong with you? He is just fine not getting blowjobs and I believe that you don't need a hot/wet mouth slipping along your **** to be happy and love each other. Damn.
  5. View Conversation
    This is going to sound weird but in a few minutes can you send me a PM. I accidently left my comp at work on with it being on "whos online" and I am trying to kill it so that TFF will actually log me out haha.
  6. View Conversation
    Gr... My damn brother again!
    *Walks out of room for a minute*
    *Yelling in the background*

    Yes it was my brother again...
    Im sorry!
  7. View Conversation
    I will be on in a few hours, Pete has already started killing a few beers.

    It will probably be a little after nine here which is in about 3 hours at that point I will talk to you about the report that I just got from you.
  8. View Conversation
    Hmmmm... I look forward to it. *kisses*
  9. View Conversation
    I love you too.

    I'll be home in about two hours hun. *snuggles*
  10. View Conversation
    i didnt have time to check her warnings, i was at work when the notification came across
  11. View Conversation
    Took care of that problem in id. I went in there and was completely dumb founded at some of that crap.
  12. View Conversation
    Well thats your opinion but whatever I really don't wanna here a rant, its not a big deal.

    But I've had sex with him and yeah its there but I don't see it really since its under me. And he's asked for one a few times but he was denied, I love my boyfriend but I don't really wanna put my mouth there. But I do feel kinda bad since he does go down on me and I don't go down on him. Heh, maybe if I closed my eyes. But I wouldn't enjoy it. Bleh. But im not a lesbian.
  13. View Conversation
    Penis is gross but thats why I don't look at it. =)
    The lady privates aren't exactly the most attractive looking things but they, in my opinion its prettier than a mans. But...I dunno. I don't like peeps who are bi-curious. I mean there have been girls who wanna sex with me alot but I will be no ones experiment even if the girls were hot. Woulda liked it but it wasn't right.

    Do you all live close to each other?

    And that is why I like pansexual because genderblind...its like you accept everyone for who they are or what they are. How they dress or what they do(unless there an axe murderer) but has someone been saying that to you? About entity or gender?
  14. View Conversation
    Well I liked men a little but figured I would NEVER find one that I could really see myself with. I was always attracted more and wanted women more than men which is why I dated women but it shocked me that I actually found a male that I was attracted to and had feelings for. It was like, 'Whoa wtf!'

    But yeah I guess its the same as bisexual but it means your gender blind. Or its all the same, but oh women are SO much better and my bf knows this. Not entirly sure what he thinks about it but ah who cares. lol

    SO are you dating someone on here? Unknown Entity? Cuz you all have lovey Sigs. Its cute!
  15. View Conversation
    I don't wanna look at it, it'll only make me mad. And even if they're is stuff out there that people think is better can be better to other people. I love Twilight and thats all that matters, people can think its stupid and if they do well than they can just not watch it or think about it. Case closed.

    And I am not straight, lesbian or bi-sexual. Im Pansexual. No one can change their orientation and if they do they never were one in the first place. I have a boyfriend but I love the ladies more, they're better for sure. Your smart I know you know what pansexual is. If not...than your like everyone else I know who has no idea what it means har har.
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About Victoria

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Date of Birth
March 8, 1984 (41)
About Victoria
Sup. If I gotta say somethin' about myself, then all you gotta know is that I'm just a gal who enjoys writing and immersing herself in a good story.

With that out of the way, have you heard of the Lord and Savior Legend of Heroes? Play Trails in the Sky today!
Inland Empire
Anime, Video Games, Reading, Writing
Favorite FF?:
IX and Tactics. Also XIV.
Currently an unemployed shut-in. Haven't been able to find a job in three years. So I've been working on a manuscript instead.
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FF: Tactics, World of Final Fantasy



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    Do the elements trust you?

    bahamuts heir
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    I am confused

  6. Bryan 2.0  Bryan 2.0 is offline

    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"?

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    Just kind of there.

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    I will finish the hunt

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    ...means nothing to no way

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Love Makes You Blind

by Victoria on 01-14-2016 at 02:07 PM
Due to some strong feelings for someone a few years ago, I unknowingly turned myself into a hermit and cut myself off from everyone I ever knew because I always wanted to be available to that person. To show them how dedicated and loyal I was.

However, certain incidents and actions over those years that I now see should have given me the red flag that I was in a toxic relationship. A relationship that I truly didn't want. However the feelings I had for this person were so strong that

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So. I think I have returned.

by Victoria on 06-12-2013 at 05:32 PM
I don't really have much of an excuse, save for about just one; about why I left and why I haven't come back until now. Hell, I'm surprised I'm still a member of the staff. Thank you for keeping me on, though. I will do my utmost to stay as active as I can be.

I have to deeply apologize to my friends that I left hanging here and on MSN/Skype or AIM. (I honestly just keep forgetting to sign on AIM.) I'm sorry I never kept contact at all, but I will say that I am back on MSN/Skype if

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