Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Bleachfangirl

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Exams are eating my life. I'll email you when they're over.
  2. Haha. Sorry Hotmail has been so screwy with you. Kind of sucks that it's the only thing that we can really use to talk though.
  3. I'm still wondering what we did to you...nothing seems to have happened. You did become much more dense....with all those protons and electrons...Maybe Rocco shouldn't have put so many. O.o
  4. Oh noes! Rearranged Lileh? I BLASTS YOO WIT MUH NOO POWAZZ!

  5. He blames me!! XD I didn't do anything! Nothing at all!

    *quickly shoves electrons of a few atoms into the clouds of other atoms and runs away with Rocco*
  6. True that. Families are also cooler since you can shove them into your signature!
  7. *notices Fishie's note*

    *Gives bucket of cookies* =D
  8. If friends kill families, I will have a coronary. Still, I have faith in teh families - as they say, blood runs thicker than water.
  9. MySpace! That's what it really looks like, doesn't it? We'll just have to post the old fashioned way. This is a really good way to chat with fellow members in a funny way.

    I'm wondering if the friends thing will take the place of families....NAH!
  10. Or of MySpace. TFF is teh noo MyShpayce. This is fun though. It would kick butt if we got post count for it. But of course our admins are sensible. XD
  11. Lileh! This new stuff reminds me a lot of Youtube! That's a little scary...
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 26 of 26
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