O.OWow, I counted nine smileys on this page alone...
But the question is: Who's the better stalker?
Morniiiing! Well... you're probably still asleep.... but that shan't stop me from wishing you a good morning! XD ... <_< >_> <_> XD Sorry... o.o Had to! *Hides*
Laura lied! I'm a better stalker!
Actually, they sorta sound a but alike, don't they?
<_< And so you know... I'm a better stalker than Fate ^~ MWHAHAHA! But yeah, good night xP See you tomorrow ^^.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight <3 ^~ *Stalks in the background* XD
Aww nice! So it's all ready to go? Smexy.. make sure you give it a hug from me ~^ It's just so shiny and rawr <3
Well, for your name, I have that post you made in your social group!
Our conversation?^^
Fate = decent stalker!
Are too!^^
Haha! Well, that's Ryan for you! A real girl magnet!
Haha! Ryan, looks like you've got a new fan!^^
*Appears in a poof of smoke* Just thought I'd leave a message just in case. (Worked last time! XD). If I'm offline by the time you get back, I don't think I'll be on again today.. but I find the item! x3 Speak to you later *Disco dances and leaves*
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Tsuna Feesh
forever alone in hell
It's the Jecht Shot, Babey!
The pizza guy!
A Plain Old Derp
The Journey Continues
Soup Kitchen Jerk.
Full Time Glompasaurus
Eyes On Me~
The British Guy.
I do what you can't.
Is is possible for me to forgive
Only plays for sport
Became A Hero