You have a Math final today? Have you already had it? How did it go?
Yay! I'm done with my homework, Ryan! Although, there was something weird going on at school today... Maybe there might not be school tomorrow? I sure hope so!
Meh! I still haven't started yet!
But it's ten times more boring!
I just got home from a long day of school, and I have a headache from being outside in the sun so much. I got my weather reading, and it said that it takes 29 minutes before I burn in the sun, but that's a lie: I've been out in the sun for two hours, and nothing happened to me! Boring day, though, and I have homework, so I can't play Last Hope until that's done. But right now, I'm talking to you here instead!
Hey, Ryan! How are you?
I'll try! How are you today?
But... I've had like... 4 pints already. *sobs* I don't wanna drink no more. *shniffles*
So do I. ^^ It was quite warm here today, but the wind was strong enough to keep you cool. I like it when the weather is like that, but I didn't drink enough water and was quite ill a little while ago. :S
*sigh* The game is actually pretty challenging, but I find it so much fun!^^ I've only gotten to the part where you "butcher Brachiel," and I plan on going through the other two modes after beating the first. Should prove to be quite time consuming.
Thats where I'd like to be, minus the hot weather part lol. ^^
Which parts do you live in? In the part where you have almost everything nearbye, or in the middle of nowhere?
I like that. Well, I used to be able to anyway. Nothing better than being on your own, outside and breathing in some nice country air. You don't even need headphones to enjoy it - you have the bird song, the wind in the trees... Beautiful. Kinda hard to find a place like that in London, unless you live near a big park. XD
Yeah. Haha, my step-dad keeps going on about "Just keep smilling, no matter how hard it gets." Heh. I find it hard to keep smilling when I'm on such a low.
Haha, and that is why I'm counting my blessings. I can't complain. Life chucks some real horrid things your way, and you just gotta deal with 'em.
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Tsuna Feesh
forever alone in hell
It's the Jecht Shot, Babey!
The pizza guy!
A Plain Old Derp
The Journey Continues
Soup Kitchen Jerk.
Full Time Glompasaurus
Eyes On Me~
The British Guy.
I do what you can't.
Is is possible for me to forgive
Only plays for sport
Became A Hero