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    Still it's not the same font as usual... something's wrong with my eyes ;_;"

    You're right. I don't want them to guide me that much. I'm not 12 - I'm 20 years old! << >> I don't need a guide, I need information. I'm at university to learn something - by myself. I don't want them to tell me what I have to learn.
    I don't have much problems being the center of attraction - at least when I know something. xD Which is definitely the case in Math AND English So that's not the problem. For example, I love making presentations. <3 I like to stand in front of a crowd, everyone looking at me. Though nobody will ever understand it... I just don't like being IN a crowd and everyone's looking at me. XD" I don't know why it's like that. ^^"
    And I want to teach 11 to 17 year olds. ^^ (I suppose I'll treat the 17-year-olds differently than the 11-year-olds, just so you know. XD")
    Please don't ask why I want to become a teacher... I don't know. I just feel like I want to do it.. :/ But I've not figured out WHY yet...

    I don't know, to be honest. I didn't listen to them and I don't care about what they want. They probably won't achieve anything. ^^"

    The PS3 still hasn't arrived?! o_o" Damn, that takes a long time, doesn't it? <.<
    Hehe, our actors didn't have anything to say, but they made our cameraman giggle a lot of times. They had to talk a bit (though you won't hear anything because of the background music x3") and they talked so much sh*t that my friend always had to laugh. XD

    I'm KIND OF enjoying my life today... I woke up at 12 pm. I felt miserable >_<" Then I got up, ate something and realized I had a huge headache. XD" It's gone now, as I've taken medicine. << >>" But I still feel... kinda dizzy. I get the impression I'm sitting in front of my computer too much lately. But it's the end of the month, so I had to read quite many stories. Today or tomorrow our story-jury will begin to discuss which stories will become the "stories of the month". x..x So I had to read many many things (as many are STILL ill >_<"). [Side note: Hah, I wanted to write "krank" now... Nice~]

    Btw. Do you have a advent calendar? Do you even have something like that over there? XD" I don't know anything about christmas in the US. ^^" Maybe you can tell me a few details about it... :3
    What I wanted to say: My sister made a calendar for me. And she knows exactly what I like, so it's all about Maths. x3" I still have to find number 1. I have to solve riddles and math stuff to get the answers. I think I only have ~6-7 days by now. So this is what I'm gonna do now: Search in my books (and on the internet) how to solve those damn riddles. xD"
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    Long overdue, eh? Well sir, as they say "It's better late than never!"

    But seriously thanks a bunch! I like meeting people and reading what they have to say in the forums. I think your posts are enjoyable and I like how you end with "Wuv, Yer Mom". To be honest, when I first joined TFF I thought you were a girl (I hope I didn't offend...), and then I read some more of your posts, and then I was like "Wait... I don't think this is a girl..." Rofl!
  3. View Conversation
    Has something in this forum changed? Have they changed the font? Somehow it seems so.. different since yesterday. ^^" Or are my eyes going bad? XD"

    > Personally, I think smaller classes also sound better, because you have more opportunity to talk to the professor (...)
    I want to be totally honest to you... I give a **** about that aspect. Really. I love being an anonymous person at university. I like the fact that no one knows you, recognizes you and of course the fact that no one talks to you! x..x What I hated most about school was that I was always in the spotlight and the teachers talked to me so often. I don't like talking to them. Especially while in class. <.<" After lessons it was okay (only if it was my math teacher *hehe* XD). But in lessons I didn't like it at all. Like in my Grammar course yesterday: The teacher talked like my teacher from school. But I'm not in ****ing school anymore! And I don't want to be taught like a school kid, I just want to sit there and listen to what they tell me! Without having to talk. Without having to have contact with the professor. I.don' (Yes, I still want to become a teacher! XD~)
    But seriously, school was quite nice, though I didn't like teachers who wanted me to talk in class. (I only liked when my math teacher was desperate and then asked me, because he knew that I'd know the answer x3") I liked school, when it was school. But at university I don't want to be in school again. (Did you even understand what I mean? XD")

    > Or are they just like, "gotta study, gotta study, GOTTA STUDY!!"
    I wished they were like that. No, they're just in the auditorium to strike. .-. They stay there to show: "Hah, we own this place and you won't be able to lecture in here!"... yeah, that's basically all. Studying? They don't do such things!

    > these people are not as good at school as you, and they're trying to put it in a format that favors them, but not necessarily you? Going so far as to strike? That's pretty lame.
    It's not that they've worse marks than I have (I guess, haven't written any exam yet ^^"). It's just that they don't like the format. I don't know if it will favor ANYONE at all. I couldn't care less about the format. I'm okay with the format at the moment. It seems they aren't. As I said, they think that studying is just stress. I think that they are stressed because they don't know how to organize everything.

    Has your PS3 arrived yet?
    My brother also bought one... I hate him now! XD I wanna have a PS3 too T.T"

    Our movie... well, at least we're still doing something. ^^" Yesterday we did a few small scenes (we needed ~2 ½ hours for a scene which probably is only 1 minute long *ARGH* ^^").
    How about your movie? ^^
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    Hey Telegraph! Thanks for the friend request! Yes. I added you.
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    Yeah, I'm not suspecting you to jump on that site immediately, lol. You should try it out soon in any case.
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    Hah, actually, I was right about the messages. Now that you haven't written that much, I feel like I can just answer it right away. x3" It's better to keep it short and write more often, maybe we could even write MORE that way. (Sounds weird, doesn't it? XD")

    Oh, students don't need any reason to go on strike, actually. =) [/sarcasm]
    Okay, let's put it like this: We have to pay 500 € each term, and everybody complains about the new system they came up with. They complain that university now is like school. (Yet they want to have smaller groups, leading to more efficiency. In my grammar course there are only ~30 people, most times even LESS. It feels like damn f-ing SCHOOL! >-<") They don't want university to be so.. anonymous. They think (!) that they can't talk to the profs properly and that there is too much stress for them.
    Personally, I'm pretty much bored and I don't have any stress at all. The problem, basically (is that I'm talking too much right now) is that they don't know how to handle their stuff. Like for example, most times they have problems handing their homework in in time. .-." There are SEVERAL people who do their work ONE DAY BEFORE THEY HAVE TO HAND IT IT! Gosh, how stupid IS that?! I'm doing my homework every Tuesday and Wednesday, it works out perfectly. Perhaps that's why I don't feel stressed at all. <.<"
    (I complain pretty much about that, to be honest. It's just that they currently STAY at the university, even AT NIGHT. They sleep in the auditorium. O_o" Which means: No lectures in that room. -.-")

    You shouldn't give up hope. (But you shouldn't be as naive as I am, either. ^^") Maybe they just need their time to see who they choose. You haven't gotten ANYTHING, have you? So the chances are that you're one of those they consider giving the job. :3 (Think positive! ^^) If they'd said "Nah, we don't want that Tom..." they would've sent you a rejection letter thing. :3"

    You're just like my father. .-." He always thinks that games are a waste of money. I don't think so. If they're fun, you don't waste any money. But perhaps you should rather save your money for christmas presents. xP
    Sometimes I'm happy that I don't have that problem. I rarely buy something for myself. I've stopped doing that alltogether since I began studying. I need the money to pay for university. << >> (I still have loooots of money, but well, who cares.. xD")

    Thanks for your advice. <3 I hope I can stick to it. ;3 (And you, too!)
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, em gee! I'm actually right? =O
  8. View Conversation
    Can't you at least give me the appropriate gender? =P I am so clueless. xD The only name I see that could be real is "Tiffany," but I have no clue. xD
  9. View Conversation
    I am bad at investigating things. Could you perhaps... drop me a hint?
  10. View Conversation
    Perhaps you could name names? xD
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    Oh, twenty-four isn't that old. xD But I have to feel it in preparation for when I'm eighty. Oo Good luck finding some. Do we even have any? =P
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    Thank you very much, Hellfire! =D (Ya can't fool me with that change. >=]) At least I'll have that satisfaction of knowing you're "only" ten years older than me, even if it's for a short while. xD
  13. View Conversation
    So, finally I'm in the mood of writing back. My life is so ****ING BORING!! >-< I see myself only reading stories and complaining about stupid persons on the internet. GOSH! O_o" And the stupid, stupid students at my university decided to go on strike, which means that my lecture this morning was cancelled. -.- Which means.. I've been sitting at home the whole day long. o_o" (Oh, it's only 5 pm... whoops, it's so dark out there, I really thought it was 7 pm ^^")
    Really, I'm not motivated to do anything AT.ALL! -.-

    I still don't punch anyone. xP I'm not the type of girl to do that. Sometimes I punch someone if I'm happy and someone made a bad joke about me. But that doesn't happen often. To be precise... I don't even remember the last time I punched someone o_o"
    (But I'd really like to punch a few guys on the internet once in a while... I suppose you know who I mean xD" Lately the admins indirectly said: "Why, we don't even care what you're saying." -.-)

    > (...) so much as I think "that person has changed,"
    I know what you mean. .-. It's the same for me. I once had a friend who I really liked. But after a few years we both changed so much it didn't work out anymore. .-.
    But there still are some I wonder why I was friends with them... Some I didn't know that long (only for months...). I suppose most of the time I was just stupid when I befriended those people. ^^"

    > Sorry for that dismal observation, but that is how I feel on the matter.
    You kidding me? Why do you feel sorry for telling me your opinion?! o.o" It's not that I have my opinion and won't change it no matter what. ^^" I found Che's post good, too. Yes, also intelligent people are only human and make mistakes - yet the people I talked about found themselves as gods who are great and never make any mistakes. They only see that OTHER PEOPLE (!) make mistakes. Like the stupid boy I was referring too. If he really is intelligent, I'm proud to be totally dumb!

    Btw. be careful with too long responses, please. .,." I try to stop it every once in a while, because I've made some negative experiences. ^^" I once had a friend in Finland to whom I wrote a whole lot. (I suppose even more than we wrote xD") After reaching 12 pages (!) in Word, we didn't have enough strength left to write to each other. ^^" Someone just stopped writing because we couldn't handle everything. Then we started again after ½ year and then, after reaching too much content again... it stopped. I don't want that to happen to us .,."
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    Naaah~ Of course I didn't punch my boyfriend! XD I was a bit angry at him, but that wasn't a big deal either. (Besides, the day after my birthday he broke up with me x3~ So I didn't have a reason to be angry anymore... I was just sad! XD")
    Nope, no serious problems. Just having a problem with my balance... somehow. The doctor talked so fast I don't really know what he told me. xD It's just that... my left leg seems to be shorter than the right one. ôo" I think it was something like that. This leads to some kind of inbalance. .-." (At least that's what my sister began calling it - and I sticked to it immediately xD)

    Please don't get this wrong but.. you should at least be happy that you have a grandpa. xD" I won't weep over something unchangable, but I never met any of my grandpas. ^^" The father of my mother distanced himself from our family when I was born (he didn't want to have four grandchildren it seems xD"). The father of my father died when he was young.... Hm, sounds sad, but it wasn't that sad, really. You grow used to such things. .-." But when my mother's father died last year I was first totally sad because I knew then that I'd never met any of my grandpas. ^^"

    > You can't ignore her, and you can't demod or get rid of her, eh?
    I CAN ignore her, if I want. But the truth is: I am NOT ALLOWED to ignore her. That's far worse! XD" I can't demod her, because the admins of the forum don't see any problems with her. And getting rid of her... that's why I talk to YOU, my dear. You're Corporal Punishment, aren't you?
    Hm, I really have to think about that... But I guess I know a good example. You remember the guy I hate but don't know why? One of my dearest friends was (I don't think he is anymore, at least ^^") friends with him, even after I began hating him. I just couldn't understand why this friend of mine liked that stupid guy. ._."" It's not that I told him "How can you be friends with THAT guy????" - we didn't talk about him at all. But I THOUGHT that question (with the 4 question marks XD).
    But, normally, it's that way: Freya's just broken up with a friend and asks herself: "Why the heck did I even befriend that person?!" XD Like the friend of the thread I made a while ago. ^^"

    Today I shouted at my mother because of that suicide guy... Can you imagine that they really wrote a long article about how sad all of Germany was that he died???? CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT????? There is a certain person I fell sad for: That's the person who was driving that damn train when that bastard threw himself in front of it! Sadly, the newspapers only see this poor, pooooor trainer who ruined the lifes of many. (He had a wife and a ~6 months old baby!!!!) He's left his family behind! He's ruined the life of an engine driver! And that's what he gets: He becomes famous - even people who aren't interested in soccer AT ALL know him! -.-
    Okay, Freya, calm down, calm down.... *draws a deep breath* Okay... There still is one positive aspect. They claim he's had a depression. So know the whole country will probably recognize that it really IS the most common illness in this damn country. <.<" (I know it exists - but I doubt that it is that widespread. Some people who are happy throughout their life sometimes claim they are depressed, just because they happen to have one day in a year on which they're not feeling well. -_-" I just hate that people think that they're depressed. Mostly because if they THINK they are, they'll surely soon be. Self-fulfilling prophecy and stuff. <.<")

    Hehe, that's no problem, my dear. x3"" I've decided to record an other song, too. I sang Toki no Hourousha quite a lot but I still think it sounds awful. But I'll probably do any other FF song so that you know the song. x3"

    So~ Now I'll probably search for a discussion in the ID forum... There is a certain topic I'd like to talk about... << >>
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    I guess I won't be annoyed with you if you forget something I told you. Y'know, I like to talk quite much, so I won't even know what I've told you. xD Today I even said to my mother: "Wait - have I even told you that?!" XD" I had to go to a doctor on Wednesday and he told me many things about my.. erm, let's just call it problem. xD" And I forgot to tell my mother parts of it. ^^" So I told her today and wasn't sure which parts I told her and which I forgot. ^^"""
    But I'd probably get annoyed if you ever forgot my birthday. *lol* Just kidding. ^^ My ex-boyfriend had sent me a message at exactly midnight on my birthday - but it wasn't some "happy birthday"-message... he just wanted to tell me what he had been doing that night! XD I first got mad at him, but now I find it funny. xD

    Hehe, I can't wait to have my parents taking care of cute little babies x3~ My father'll probably be a good grandpa, he really enjoys telling fantasy stories. ^^ He did that at lot when we were younger - and most times we actually believed in every word he'd said. xD"

    Hehehe, I'd really like to do that. ;3 My best friend would probably cheer for me if I did. xD But I can't. I know that the admins wouldn't do much about it, but they would probably (again) try to tell me what is right and what is wrong. *rolls eyes* It was sooo~ annoying when they wanted to tell me that I just can't ignore a person I dislike ~..~ Sooo~ annoying... as if they were my parents. (If they were my parents I'd probably had shot myself. <_<""")

    Besides, may I ask a question about moral and stuff?
    A few days (maybe even a week) ago, a famous (I didn't know him, Mom didn't know him either, but he seemed to be famous xD") soccer trainer commited suicide. But no, he didn't do it at home. He killed himself by jumping in front of a train. (Is there any better description of that? xD") What do you think about such people?

    Well, the basics of German are quite easy. .-. Just switch an "e" to an "a" and you know how to say "hello" in German. xD
    In my phonetics & phonology course at university I'm learning how to transcribe words. :3 Then I could write it down for you so that you know how to pronounce the words. ^^ Or I could make an audio file for you... If my microphone ever works again. <..<"

    I don't remember if the Evangelion movies bothered me. .-." I can't remember anything about them at all. XD" I just know that many people died, Asuka was Berserker and Shinji and Misato kissed. Yay, I've such a great memory. <.<" Did I mention I saw the movies a few... many years ago? XD"
    Besides, "Come, Sweet Death" is the correct translation. How did you know? ^^

    Hehe, after reading through the script a bit I felt a bit sad. Mostly because I know that the movie my friend and I are shooting isn't as great as your brother's. xD" Then, because the roles are sooo~ great! >_< I wanted to have a psycho in my movie, too, but my friend didn't want one. XD" I love the role of Christian! <3 And I'd really like to see the movie *_* And how you shoot the movie. *_* Can you film the filming for me, please? XD
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"TFF Confessions," lol

by Taco-Calamitous on 07-03-2018 at 01:40 PM
Remember those times I would start a thread, titled something like "TFF Confessions," or "TFF Regrets," or something along those lines? Like, I would decide I wanted to come clean about something, and then, for whatever reason, I thought that other people on the forums would also want to do this. Except usually, people would just respond with nonsense, making fun of the concept, because y'all are trolls, lol Was reminded of those earlier, for some reason. I guess because a

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Top Ten Albums of 2017 (According to Me)

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-28-2017 at 01:31 AM
So 2017 was kinda a rough year for most people not named Taylor Swift, eh? (Jeez, Taylor. Way to have a good time. That’s not allowed, or something.) American politics are shit, everyone hates each other, and people seem barely capable of not hitting each other over the heads with bike locks, or ramming their cars into each other.

Personally, I drifted further into burnt out/not-giving-a-fuck territory this year, even though this is arguably the easiest year I’ve lived, this decade.

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Top 10 Albums, 2015

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM
Hello, everyone! Guess what? I come here today to present you a list that is indisputably the best albums of 2015, according to me. No one can deny that these are the best ten albums this year, according to myself. If you think that I don't think that these are the top ten best albums this year, I think that you are probably wrong, and should rethink what you are thinking about that. So without further ado...

10. The Bombadils - Grassy Roads, Wandering Feet
So from the Great

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This New Year's Eve

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-31-2013 at 02:02 PM
I'm waiting for tomorrow
My heart is on my sleeve
And yes, I still believe
That this New Year's Eve
Will turn out better than before
I'm holding on
Still holding on
Until they close the door on me

-Five Iron Frenzy - New Year's Eve

It's becoming something of a tradition for me to listen to that song on this day every year now, and to post it around. It's a great song, and it seems to always capture my feelings of this

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Top 10 Songs of 2013, Second Half

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-01-2013 at 01:10 PM
I think it's about time to look at what songs I liked best from this second half of the year, as I did for the first half of 2013. I realize the year isn't over, but I don't think I'm gonna be getting any new music this month. There's nothing at this point that I'm looking forward to. So...

10. The Universe: A Very Special Moment. This band is related to Architecture in Helsinki somehow. I'm not sure how. This song is pretty cool though I think. I think it lives up to the band's name;

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