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    Ironically, I don't live at any coast or such, just in the middle of nowhere. XD But isn't it warm everywhere now? (I mean, except for New Zealand and such countries ^^")
    And it isn't as extreme as you might think. It's just like summer, only colder.... especially at night x.x
    Yeah, maybe I was just hungry. ^^ Though I tend to eat while being on TFF lately... ^^"
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    Hah, I've begun working on my tan yesterday and it worked fine. I love how the weather changes from rain (or even snow) to sunshine in only a couple of days.
    The only thing I hate is when I have some duties, like meeting relatives, like today ~..~ The weather's too great to meet relatives! (And I don't get why I always want to write "meat" instead of "meet" O_o")
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    It's not just laziness, it's also pretty much work! XD Really! XD
    But honestly, it IS much work to run a chat. There ALWAYS has to be a mod in the chat to make sure everything's fine. That's what I meant by saying it's lots of work - having to be present all day long.
    But I admit, I'd also be too lazy to do it. Especially since the sun has come out again, finally. I'm all lazy lying outside all day, to be honest. XD
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    Here is that social group for you so you can see what members use msn

    MSNers of TFF
  5. yo! i heard you liek Dissidia! should of had more characters i think.
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    Woo hoo! I hope you decide to stick around and stay active
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    Hey! Welcome to TFF
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    Hello Superjord! My name is Michael, and I have made a Social Group focused on us new members. The Group is called Flock of Noobies, and right now I am on a recruiting frenzy, trying to get members like you interested in our group. I am going to send you an invite, but if you want to know more, just click on "Community" and scroll down "Social Groups". You should be able to find it there. Thanks for reading this.
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    Hi, I accepted your friend request.
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About Superjord

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Date of Birth
March 30
About Superjord
I pretty much love FF more than anything I've ever loved in my life. I don't care if that makes me a 'mega-nerd' or something but those games gave me more joy and happy memories than most I can bother to think about. I'm here to share that love :)
I actively make AMV/GMV's mainly for Final Fantasy. If anyone's interested I'd be happy if they could check my channel and my videos out! Thanks, and I also play football(soccer).
Favorite FF?:
All. Each was pure perfection IMO.
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