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  1. View Conversation
    Yup, pretty much.

    Of cource the stresses of life and evil ex's have goten to me and sucked a bit of my sunshine away from today but overall I'm a pretty happy person.
    I really ment that my parents were both hippies and I am aswell. I happen to find myself as a natural philosopher. (And not the crazy MGS group either, although...ocelot is....hmm)
  2. View Conversation
    Lol they renounce you too huh? It's a conspiracy I tell you. And YAY someplace where my dorkiness is accepted. I feared such a place might never exist
  3. View Conversation
    Yep, you found me. Lol my sewing machine beat me at tangling thread but it was no match for me in hammar,the computer version of that was better. lol I'm such dork
  4. View Conversation
    lol me too. You should look me up on Youtube sometime. As for the sewing machine, well, we still have a hate-hate relationship. I refuse to go back into the craft room without a hammar
  5. View Conversation
    Don't be different, be yourself. Going outa your way to be different will never satisfiy you, I think you'll be much happier just being yourself.

    I'm a hippie by lineage and choise so I agree with philosophies of love and peace.
  6. View Conversation
    haha I see you stalkin my vm wall.

    so did you enjoy the msn chats that we have at times?
  7. View Conversation
    Share the love.

    I dig the philosophy.
  8. Performing a system reboot. 'Bout time I got rid of all this sh*t clogging my PC up. Salutations for now.
  9. View Conversation
    cool, I'm trying to make some of the clothing from FF and intrigrating it into my wardrobe instead of making it as costumes. For example, Yuna's top from FFX would look cool with a pair of jeans and heeled boots. Stuff like that. Got to get that sewing machine mastered though lol.
  10. View Conversation
    I know what you mean. lol I can't help but think if I had money to just blow, my place would be covered in FF action figures and such. And of course, I'd have every FF game and gaming systems out there. Lol I'm such a dork, but I don't care
  11. View Conversation
    I second that. Although, I think I would lose my mind if I were rich I've been poor so long lol.
  12. Bored. Life isn't very interesting when you're not rich. Lol.
  13. Woop, back!
  14. View Conversation
    Holiday? What's that? Can I eat it?
    Seriously, I haven't been on holiday for YEARS now. ^^" If I remember correctly, the last time I've been on holiday was in 2005. That's already 6 years ago. x_x

    Warm? When did we talk? XD During those few days, it's become colder and colder. There are way too many grey clouds in the sky. PLUS, it rains every f-ing day. .,. So the warm, nice weather's gone. And I heard it won't be warm on the weekend either. I miss getting out T_T" But so I had enough time to clean my room... at least. XD
  15. I'll be back tuesday with hope
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About Superjord

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Date of Birth
March 30
About Superjord
I pretty much love FF more than anything I've ever loved in my life. I don't care if that makes me a 'mega-nerd' or something but those games gave me more joy and happy memories than most I can bother to think about. I'm here to share that love :)
I actively make AMV/GMV's mainly for Final Fantasy. If anyone's interested I'd be happy if they could check my channel and my videos out! Thanks, and I also play football(soccer).
Favorite FF?:
All. Each was pure perfection IMO.
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Check out my youtube channel :]


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