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    Well, this is a durian and this is a soursop. They're both Asian fruits, so I've had them before. And they taste really good!

    I wonder if I can make nacho cheese with goat cheese? It could be worth a try...

    Haha! Try it! You'll love it.

    Oh, he probably has a disposable bed every day so he won't need to make it every morning!

    I will wage it then!
  2. Hello, sir! my psn id is 'superhotpockets'. just add me and send me a message or something. i usually just type short messages in the subject line since it pops up in the top right no matter what im doin.

    do you play blazblue too? i play jin/nu
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    Too late! Maybe I'll change it back when you change yours again.
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    Yeah, I'd love to play with you sometime. My PSN is Andromeda365
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    S, when are you gonna change your sn to frog? I'm already tired of this one that I'm using... the time will come and go, and you will be left behind!
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    Wow I have no idea... Maybe if we ask google it will tell us! <_<!!!! Lets worship Google and see if they answer. Actually... is Google male or female?

    Just the general kind of sick I guess... I kept feeling nauseous. So my appetite went completely XD! Now it's back but very small. I only need one meal a day at most or something.

    XD Yeah well, I'm careful. I would never completely cut my body off of an essential 'ingredient'. That would be foolish *gasps*. But... I guess I can be stupid sometimes ;3, but not today anyway.

    Mmm yes, candy, pizza, burgers.... what about doughnuts? And... what else is there... CHEESE. xD Haha mountains of cheese. Thats never good for us....

    Gawd that is too true. Squishy is lovely until we are the ones which do squish. Maybe squishiness should be more accepted! Hmm.. I'm sure that won't be happening in the media any time soon though ;3
  7. View Conversation
    Hey, I've had that before. I love it! You should really try it. They make it in any flavor: coffee, honeydew, watermelon, durian, soursop, tea, any flavor! And it tastes great! It's like a light smoothie, almost.

    Speaking of which, does goat milk taste any different than cow milk? I mean, the cheese tastes different, so you'd think what makes the cheese would, too. But sour milk...? That would be like rotten milk, wouldn't it?

    In that case, I've had milk tea before. Very, very good. It's not entirely sweet - depends on what flavor you get. The fruity ones are a bit sweeter, but you can always get the tea ones.

    I wonder how big his mansion is... Is the guy even a philanthropist? I mean, he has so much money!

    But getting yourself concerned with the forum isn't always so fun to do, you know. >.<
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    O_O You should test it! When you have empties fill them with water and see how many it would take to fill up the bathtub... I wanna know @_@

    Hmm... well... I was sick before - so thats irrelevent... and loss of muscle mass, by working out hopefully I would counteract it. Or would I? O_O!

    Mwhahaha we should share a highly calorific meal and drink just for the hell of it xD Mmm it would be so good... *drools*

    Optimal squish level... now that is an interesting question. I don't know... Squish is awesomeness xD
  9. View Conversation
    They have a lot of those air growing on them, though. Really? I love Starbucks coffee! Actually, I think the whip cream might very well be my favorite.

    So sour pizza, huh? I have no clue where to sample or even buy goat cheese here. I don't even know where the nearest deli is, even. I think I'll try it once, but I doubt I could get used to it so much...

    There's milk tea? I've never heard of that before. I've heard of milk coffee but never that. Do they stir in some of those sweet milk?

    Speaking of which, he probably has those doors where if a person steps on the invisible ray that it shoots out, it fires a laser at them. I won't even begin to imagine how secure his company is. he probably gets interviewed behind five inches of bulletproof glass.

    Except it's not so limitless if you have to delete some things to make room. Oh, God, we need to fix this thing. Still, VMs are for chatting, but our chats are just... very long and lengthy.
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    O_O 35?! Amagad you could drown yourself in the stuff O_O DON'T DO IT SOLDIER O_O_O_O_O

    Ironically, me not eating much is the best diet I've been on so far. I lost 6 pounds! Wheh hey XD Plus I go to the gym too... I just have dinner. It's all I need... <_< Probably not healthy right?

    Mmm... my favourite drink is pineapple and coconut milk. But it's so calorific... as soon as I found that out I stopped. *Growls*

    XD!!!!! Fatty thighs are squishy though x3
  11. View Conversation
    Blackberries, huh? I remember once in school where we had blackberries with brown sugar. It didn't taste all that good, to be honest... I forget what jam goes with....

    It tastes sort of like ranch dressing? Eh, I could never eat that stuff unless it was on lettuce or whatever. Still, was it white in color like the pictures I saw?

    I've never heard a teakettle go off before. I wonder how annoying it can get? I suppose making your own tea can only taste better than the pre-made ones, right? It's fresher, as in the leaves or whatnot.

    That guy could buy a continent! I do wonder how high his security level is. Would a fly be able to infiltrate his house? Or even a spider?

    Yeah! Except... we may have limitless spirit, but this box has limited characters... And then we'd have to wait 45 seconds.
  12. View Conversation
    Gorging yourself on water... I like the way you put that xD It's almost poetic..
    As for if I follow my diet plans... as I general rule I do. Lately not so much though. I've barely eaten from feeling unwell... so its all haywire now xD Mwhahaha...

    My glomp is full of love and friendship! I swear that is all it is . It is your imagination *Glomps x 101*

    I can't dance either... but sometimes it's just fun to let it go and be wild! (Lol, sounds creepy...) Gosh that drink sounds interesting.. You'll have to send me some xD I must sample! Gief O_O

    Hot chocolate for breakfast... what a marvelous idea! I never thought of that x3
  13. View Conversation
    I forgot what jam tastes like, really. I remember that I thought it was far too sweet the last time I had it. What was it? Strawberry or grape.

    Goat cheese is more expensive than regular cow cheese? Oh, and it seems to be white in color instead of the usual yellow cheese.

    I didn't think it was that hard seeing my aunts and uncles make tea. All they did was boil the water and put in those tea packages or leaves. Of course, even though it looks easy doesn't make it so.

    Bill Gates! That man has more money than he needs. The money that he burns, he could have given away to somebody like me. Talk about wasteful!

    If it weren't for this 1,000 character limit, I could be talking about ten things at once, really!
  14. View Conversation
    Hmmm... try drinking lots and lots and lots of water... then you'll feel bloated and full!!! Fun no? But yeah... If you just had breakfast, did you have it 20 mins ago or less? Because it takes 20 mins for the brain to register that you are full!

    XDXDXD It's not a ploy *Looks innocent* Honestly, you think that of me? <3333 *GLOMPLES*

    Mmmm.... I mix my hot chocolate with water mainly and a dash of skimmed. Although if I'm being really cheeky, a squirt of whipped cream goes on there. Mmm mm! Magic .
    Mmm yes, I do concur.... *Dances with you* <_<!
  15. View Conversation
    I can't recall the last time I had Sunny D. I think it was seven years ago, to be honest. And I remembered not liking it.

    OOh, go get some. And tell me if it tastes better than cow cheese or not. I wonder if Kraft has them?

    You can just buy them all at a local Asian supermarket, of which I've heard there are tons in California, right?

    But I am not very good at deceiving people. You see, honesty has always been my nature. I don't lie very often at all, and I scold people who do. I try my best to stop rumors at school. And what's more, I teach people not to lie and be honest. In fact... if you believed the last few sentences, you have just been fooled by me, the new Master of Deceit.

    I guess this is what we get for talking about five different things at once.
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About SOLDIER #819


Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow


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