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    By planting secret messages on a non active members profile page such as this one, these messages can go undetected.
    Therefore you can either use this url in a link or you make a code such as 1102-09-06 37 which would mean 11th page of the members list, the user joined 2-9-06 and has 37 posts of course you could come up with your own cryptic solution.
    The only flaws I can think of with this are-
    1-The user comes back and replies WTF therefore leaving and open link on your vm to their profile.
    2- The user gets a email that they got a vm which I don't think is possible.
    3- By chance or luck or sheer will some one just so happens to go through the thousands of members profile pages and finds the messages.
    4- Or if admin or mods get notifications of new vms on profiles which I highly doubt
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About skull75

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02-16-2012 03:17 AM
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04-19-2014 01:27 AM
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