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  1. View Conversation
    Put some ivy on could sing The Holly and the Ivy...freaking Christmas Carols in Novemember...

    Banging and rattling...YOU KNOW WHAT!!! Bang and rattle right back.

    That'll show that rat.
  2. View Conversation
    The poor insane people...well, the people more insane than us'd tear their worlds apart.


    But you'd still be sorta amusing. Especially if you used a literal stick from a tree as your lil' poker....yep....
  3. View Conversation
    You would....

    Poke them with a stick and then scream in their ears with a funny look on your face. Like you're a drill sergeant. And then mutter something about squirrels with rabies on your way out the door.

    That would be FUN.
  4. View Conversation
    Take it all over. They can only commit you to so many places before you have the entire world in your palm and everything.

    Sanity's for boring people. ^_^
  5. View Conversation

    You need to be in one anyway. *drinks tea* But that's okay. Asylum's are overrated....and stuff. Besides, you'd only take it over...JACK THAT ASYLUM...

    I need sleep. ^^
  6. View Conversation
    Share the chai plz. ;_;

    I haven't had a good cup of chai in soooo long....I love it so much. ^^;

    I think we may have some...screw my teeth..I'm having tea tomorrow. xD I'll just brush my teeth after to prevent any oranging....stupid tea stains. ;_;
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    Just don't forget it gives an easy heart attack....

    Oh, I can imagine the taste of chicken steamed buns very well right now, and I want one badly...very badly...

    And I'd even go for a bad tea blend at this point! ;_; What do you have? xD
  8. View Conversation
    MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...and stuffs. You really should wear pink. Easiest way to give someone a heart attack...put a goth in pink. Yep.

    I want a steamed bun right now....I haven't had one in ages....and tea...and pomegranates...


  9. View Conversation
    I used to like to bounce on beds too...then my mum told me the bed springs would stab my feet...I think I decided I wanted a trampoline after that....

    Poor Jeremy. You're going to give him a heart attack before the year's over. You should dress in pink sometime. *nods* He'd die.
  10. View Conversation
    Well, I would too....I didn't think you were the bouncy type...I so cannot see you destroying someone's bed. >_<

    So wait..he watched you kill his bed? O_O This is nearly impossible to pciture...I just see him going like.. "O_O Dood. Wtf."

    Uhm yeah...^^ Sharpies work well...draw on him'll be a regular Jigglypuff...
  11. View Conversation
    No! How do they expect you to get better when you can see your breath? ;_; That's not's worse than snoring Jeremy! And your inability to get him to jump out a window. >_>

    You never drew on him, did you...or any of those others things we planned out to seal his fate....
  12. View Conversation
    Ewww...I hate golden walls. >_< Very tacky.

    But if there's no doors how do you get in? Climb through the ceilingless roof? O_O
  13. View Conversation
    Spiders and crickets? Dang...that sounds more like a shed than a guest house....but I guess sheds don't typically have kitchens. =/ But then you say estate! That's...fancy...

    Do you have golden toilets? D:

    I'm not an idiot, I swear. ^_^
  14. View Conversation
    That's mean...grouping you with the're not a useless sharp object that can easily kill someone...I hope. ;_;

    But even if it is the rats, that's still pretty creepy. I mean, isn't the noise loud? That'd have to be one big-ass rat...what if it busts a hole in the wall? It'd crawl all over you while you were sleeping...
  15. View Conversation
    Well....he could've brought his own axe from his own darn estate!!!! And you know...saying you have an axe doesn't increase the amount of confidance I have in you any. Especially when you're heavily medicated. >_<;;;
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February 2
About Sinister
I live by whim. I follow the flow of things while adding a few pushes of my own. I don't speak aloud if possible. I'm more than a little messed up in the head and take medication. I'm a little...inconsiderate of my own well-being. I try to be polite...
I'm the nightmare in your skull...
Foil Fencing, Music, Tea Blends, Piano, Languages, Literature, Writing, Games, Anime, Chess, Clubbing, Cooking, Orchids, Philosophy, Contract Bridge, Astronomy and Baseball
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Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."


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I Create As I Speak

by Sinister on 06-16-2013 at 05:19 PM
I'm sipping a Good Doctor and thinking about the sinking that is going on in reality outside my door. *looks at the Good Doctor* For those of you who do not know. A Good Doctor is as much bourbon(I like maker's mark) as you can stand, "Snap" ginger liquor, strong Ginger Beer(anything with cayene and ginger sediment) and three Moonshine Cherries. It's got a caramel color and a fresh taste.

Every time I sip this drink the world

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Updated 06-17-2013 at 02:40 AM by Sinister


Don't Turn Your Back on this City

by Sinister on 05-11-2013 at 08:38 PM
Idk when it was...sometime in late April. I marked it on my calendar, but it's a new month now, so the exact date is lost to me. I'd look it up, but...Hah, I'm far too lackadaisical. Besides, you don't care as much, if not, more than I don't. As I said, late April. I was in Nashville, Tenn. There was the big looming AT&T building, looking like someone tried to make a Skyscraper into a Batman sculpture. What a ****ing skyline. Anyway, I digress. It was early days for The Concert. So

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Updated 05-11-2013 at 11:59 PM by Sinister
