Conversation Between seanb and NikkiLinkle

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  1. How have you been Barry?

    I've just been chillin', as I do. I got a sweet laptop yesterday! It's pretty cool. It's heavy though It's got a 17 inch screen!
  2. I love old photographs.
    It's mad isn't it, august. The past year has seemed to have flown by. I feel myself beginning to get old and unexciting ... sob!
    Sure its like everything, all goes round in circles, one minute your down the bottom but can expect to be at the top again, then when your at the top pretty soon your back at the bottom ... lol as long as it's bittersweet and not all bitter... no my breakup wasn't nasty, just a bit sad, we knew each other since playschool. I didn't make such a good boyfriend. we were 'highschool sweethearts' and acting all lovey dubby got old for me, fast. was all downhill from there.

    haha jurassic park might not be the best movie for a young girl (: ..oh yea I remember seeing the Da Vinci Code, it was great.. I don't see the point in gory rubbish films either, don't get it, I'd prefer psychological thrillers over all out bloody films. love the hannibal lecter series, and the books were brilliant I read them first. I don't read as much as I used to. Ever see Easy Rider? love it, and great music in it too..

    Lucky you, day off! though it's probably over now thanks to time difference... I'm just up its half 10 in the morning. I don't know what the Love Boat is... the name reminded me of the Lovely Bones... nice film but a bit sad... oh! I watched that film Almost Famous the other day.... twas great, my kinda movie.
    cool,.. what would Macgyver do? lol ... and then theres Mork!
  3. Yeah nothing is built to last nowadays. My mum has a fridge that is the same age as me, 23! It's still going strong. There's a picture of my mum holding me as a baby in front of it

    Yes. 4 years. It has actually flown by. I've noticed the last couple of months have gone by very quickly. It's AUGUST already. I'm not really happy in my relationship, but I've sort of just found comfort in it somehow. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't work. The other half can be difficult sometimes. Makes it bittersweet. Hope your break up wasn't nasty.

    I remember seeing The Lion King at the cinema, I think I went for my birthday. I remember seeing Jurassic Park at the cinema too. I went with my aunt. I jumped on her lap, because I was so scared lol. I like movies like, The Da Vinci Code. Like a mystery, with some history in there. I'll watch most kind of movies. I especially don't like horror films. I'll watch the ones about supernatural things, but not the sick, gory kind. I have no desire to watch someone get cut up and raped. It disgusts me.

    I'm home from work today. I keep getting massive headaches, but I can't sleep anymore, so I'm watching The Love Boat This tv channel I'm watch keeps playing really old shows. Like Macgyver, Mork and Mindy and Happy Days lol.
  4. I hate modern fashion, it's all so impractical... I tend to wear old clothes without worrying about fashion, or wear vintage clothes if I can find them.. people just looked so much better in the 70's I think...
    cool, new bin. I remember watchin that show cribs, and craig david was on it and he has the same bin as me. haha ... funnily enough my mother is just after gettin a load of homeware too, for the first time in about 10 years! new cutlery, cooking things and all that kitchen-y stuff lol... all the things we had were deadly cos they held memories and stood the test of time but I think products in general these days are always medium quality and don't last as long...

    woo! congrats! 4 years is a considerable length : ) ...longest I've ever lasted was 2, which ended about 2 months ago,
    thanks, you're after giving me a serious craving for chinese and pizza now! lol

    what kind of movies do you usually like? ah the lion king... it was the first film I ever seen in a cinema. amazing film.
    I am pretty quiet too and enjoy my time at home. I find that people who portray themselves as wild, crazy action-packed fun loving people are usually putting on an act.
    how come you think you have a lack of ambition? like what else does anyone need other than happiness?
  5. Oh let me tell you how wild my weekend was.

    I can't even remember what I did Friday night.

    On Saturday I went clothes shopping and only bought some socks and a cardigan. I was so disappointed, that I didn't find anything else. But all the fashions these days are so weird. Like shirts that are all cut up and don't even fit! I'm so glad I'm not one of those girls, who's really into fashion, because fashion is hideous! And very impractical! Lol. Then I went to to hardware store and bought a laundry hamper and a rubbish bin! I was so excited. I just get that way when I buy homewares. It was my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. We were meant to get Chinese, but he wanted to have some beers and I can't drive and the Chinese place doesn't deliver! So just got pizza instead.

    Then I just watched movies for the rest of the weekend. I too have felt like watching all the Disney movies. They were good! The Lion King was my favourite.

    I'm just too wild aren't I? Lol. I'm just a quiet gal. I like to stay home and be comfortable. I rarely go out or anywhere interesting. I blame it on my lack of ambition. But I'm quite happy this way.

    I've never been to a fancy dress thing. Does sound fun. I'll definitely check that link out in a moment
  6. Hahaha funnily, enough, I could kind of pass as him, cos I dressed as him at a fancy dress on friday, theres a pic up on fb... I dont know if I sent you one of these links already Barry The Blender.

    I haven't swam in ages, must go swimming again.

    No I haven't seen girl with the dragon tattoo, whats it like? I don't know what it's about...

    Iv'e had a busy weekend... it's bank holiday weekend over here, first was the fancy dress on friday night, which was an absolute laugh, great fun, it does be on every year and is the biggest fancy dress party in ireland, they close off the whole street which is filled with thousands of crazy costumes
    saturday I was wrecked tired, so I just watched films (watched pocahontas for the first time in about 15 years, it was my fave film as a child... it's funny watching things like that and it all comes flooding back to you)
    and yesterday, we had a gig at a festival, was such a strange set up, they had the stage beside a filling station facing the road, so cars were driving by, and the audience was across the road, was so weird.. but funny after that I went and watched a gig, got home late and here I am now the next day very tired again...
    This weekend has been unusually busy, I mostly never really be getting up to much

    What have you been up to anything wild?
  7. I think I will always think of you , as that guy. Lol. Too late now, I got used to thinking so.

    I'd never go on one of those really huge cruise ships. I don't like the idea of being in the middle of the ocean, in a really huge boat. I can't swim, so it's probably for the best.

    Have you seen The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?

    How has your weekend been for you?
  8. Yes, lol people were thinking it was actually me! ... so I changed it, I like funny things and I like hannibal lecter so...

    Big enough isnt it? I remember it going fast too, like you can just walk up on deck and look over the edge, scary stuff... the sea was quite rough, but not extremely.. like in the shops there was little barriers to stop things falling of the shelves, but thats probably in every ship.. that would be one heck of a bridge!

    15? thats near enough the same as dogs then...

    oh work, is it a bummer?
    right now Im sitting at my kitchen table considering some weetabix before I go to bed... its now5 mins past midnight, past my bedtime lol time is weird
  9. Now that pic definitely seems more appropriate, a little scary though

    Holy moly! That ship is big too. I think they really need to think about building a bridge, if it only takes 3 hours. But isn't the Irish Sea really rough? Maybe it'd demolish a bridge. But bridges are built to last aren't they?!

    I think some cats live til 15? Not sure.

    What are you doing, right now? I'm just about to start work. Oh joy!
  10. Aw thanks!, I'm not sure yet about what kind of work I want to be in... teaching would be a safe enough bet,.. maybe in a secondary school, but I also want to major in performance so It would be a dream to perform for a living along with something else... my instrument is classical guitar but ive only recently took up that, i was all electric before, and still am i suppose

    DIDDLYDEEAAY SHPUDS. everyone calles them spuds...I wonder where that originated from... lol

    HAHA thats really funny, but I shouldnt have it as my pic if people think its actually me... could be misleading... I dont think I would be as strong as the gent in my pic... And yea my hair was getting very long there, but I recently shaved it so maybe I can resemble him! ... I do hate fb..but i still use it quite a bit.. im bad with it, cant leave it alone

    ah cool, 10 years, is that old for a cat? i dont know as much about cats than dogs,..
    yea pretty much a cruise ship,... from what I remember the journey from dublin to hollyhead in wales took around three hours.. but im sure different ship can do it in different speeds, maybe mine was a cheaper slower one...
    I'm nearly sure it was this one I was on most..
  11. Good luck with your course. What kind of work are you hoping to get into?

    Diddily dee potatoes... couldn't resist. I eat a lot of potatoes too.

    I though your avatar, was a picture of you. But then I saw you on Facebook and I was like hey, it's not lol. Unless you grew some hair? I thought you hated Facebook... but you have like 300 and something friends! Haha.

    My cat is 2 years old. I also have another cat, 10 years old. She lives at my mum's.

    I've never been on a ferry. That Ulysses is basically a cruise ship. How long does it take to get from Dublin to Wales?
  12. Ah yea? I'm doin music. 1 year down 3 to go!

    ...too many,.. too many dogs, poultry, goats, ferrets, theres a snake too ... pretty much a zoo.
    had cats before but was always unlucky with them... they either took off or were accident prone
    but kittens are so funny. how old is your cat?

    ah junk food ,.. or as I like ta call it 'BUCK FUEL'
    nah not really! potatoes are my main food i suppose, ya coyuldnt bate em with an oul stick

    aw yea? Ulysses,.. I've seen it but was never in it, though I've got the ferry to wales lots of times, just not on that one.... your right, they could build a bridge, or tunnel like the one from london to france.. I remember watching a programme on engineering, and they were talking about the future, and the possibility of having an underwater tunnel from London to New York! MAD ! ... gets you thinkin though, imagine being in it
  13. Everyone goes to college except for me lol. What are you studying?

    I'd love to have some little duckies. But I don't think I'll be getting some anytime soon. Do you have any other pets? I have a cat called Link. I was at the pet shop today and I really wanted to get another kitten I go there every weekend to look. I just love kittens. But it's not the right time to get one.

    I've never gotten into Indian food. I especially don't like rice. Bleh! I'm a meat and potatoes girl lol. And junk food

    I'm watching a documentary on the Irish Ferry, Ulysses. This thing is MEGA SUPER HUGE! Have you ever been on it? Whenever I see ferries, I just wonder why they don't just build a bloody bridge! This ferry cost like 450 million euros to build! That's crazy! Although I'm sure it'd take a very long time to build a bridge between Ireland and Wales.
  14. Yes! 16 is misleading!

    My essay?, Its for college ... fun
    and thanks for your good luck wish

    you should try duck eggs, I get them from my pet ducks... I'l post you some! ...well no don't think that would work out well... ... mmm eegs, ever have french toast? when you soak a slice of bread in a raw egg then gently fry it? tried it a couple of times... rather lovely ..
    Yes roast dinners are amazing.. they can be strange for me cos im veggie but they are great... and yes I agree they would be nothing without the gravy.. apart from that, i love indian type stuff,.. all types of currys and samosas ..everything.... love mexican kinda stuff too like chilly ... and of course cant beat a good pizza.
  15. The old 16 hey. The age when you think you're an adult but you're really still just a kid

    What's your essay for? Good luck.

    I've never had duck eggs. I only like them scrambled or on a bacon and egg muffin. I usually have 2 with toast and tomato sauce. But I have to feel like eggs to eat them. Sometimes I go months without eating them.

    What other foods do you like? I love roast dinners. Yum! It's the gravy that makes it so good.
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