Conversation Between seanb and NikkiLinkle

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  1. Thanks Sean! Aww that sucks. Ah well at least you're not a slave to technology I'm on here every 5 mins. I'd addicted!
  2. Sorry I missed it but happy birthday!
    I dont have internet
  3. Thanks Nikki
    Hope your keeping well gurl!!
  4. I've been meaning to wish a Happy Burthday. I don't know what day it was, but I remember Facebook reminding me and I never got around to it. Lol. I hope you had great day!
  5. Is it hard to tell ducks apart? Then you could be forgiven for not naming them.

    You should be jealous. Australia is the s*it. Not just because of it's great looks. It's just a nice place to live. But everywhere would have a negative side.

    It's Australia Day soon. I'm thinking of buying these Australia shaped burgers I saw at the supermarket, to slap on the barbie. Lol. I love making fun of the Australian slang. Bloody oath.
  6. Got the exams finished, happy enough but a few could be hit or miss, oh well
    I think I have around five of the duckies, their eggs are gorgeous, they don't have names though!
    Oh I think I know the pictures your talking about, they would have been taken early last summer I'd say, They were mad, always nibbling away at you... and that field, that's my garden, but it usually looks good in summer with the flowers growing, the rest of the time its nothing special, I'm jealous of you, living in Australia like, haha
  7. I saw some pictures on your Facebook, the ones with the puppies. So cute and they were trying to eat you or whoever they were trying to eat. And that field or meadow (i don't know what you call it?) was so green. It looks so nice! So jealous.
  8. I'm lazy all the time Good luck on your exams! I'm sure you'll do great. DO YOU got ducks? Lol. Cool. They just seem so cool. I would only get 2 or maybe 3 and I'd give them cool names. I want ducks, but that doesn't mean I'll actually get ducks
  9. Yea I'm alright, been traveling from waterford to monaghan like a yoyo because I have exams and they're a bit spread out! getting through them ... somehow ...I'm ridiculously lazy when it comes to things I don't want to do,.. but I'm like a duracell bunny when I'm doin something I like
    i read somewhere you want ducks?! I got ducks
  10. I am ok My phone credit expired yesterday, but it's still letting me on here, so I'll take advantage of it while I can. Thanks. How you doin'?
  11. Heey lady!
    Howve you been lately?
    I like your picture
  12. Yo Sean!
  13. haha yea wouldn't look good would it, a big soggy wet envelope. I want to travel. I'd like to work somewhere for a year, maybe america.

    Your going to sleep? through xmas? or just laze around... ooh 4 days of work don't sound good,.. I'm off for Christmas now,.. but have to be back the 3rd of jan.. which is shite.. I like my christmasses like I like my women; quiet and full of surprises

    As for New years, I don't usually do anything for it.usually just sit in.. I don't get what the big deal is about it... but I can't do anything this year anyway because I have to play a gig.... which will be (not) ..keeping a constant foot ready to kick away any drunken dope that decides to fall onto equipment haha,.. ah no, it should be okay, hopefully. And then I havto do it all again new years day!
    Although, I do drink, and its only then when I enjoy being around drunk people
    Thanks, you too, enjoy the break and forget all worries
  14. Lol. I'd say you'd be asserted for trying to send white snow in the mail. Luckily it'd probably melt. I've never really wanted to travel. Maybe to see natural wonders, like Niagra Falls. Oh and I'd like to go to Disneyland. I especially want to get some of those white mickey mouse gloves

    Aborigines. Yeah majority of people here, don't have a very nice opinion on them. I think it's a cultural clash. Oh and racism. Not good.

    Bf's mum isn't coming for Christmas now. Yay! I'm just going to sleep. Oh sleep how I love you. Quiet Christmas sounds lovely. I have 4 more days of work. Too many

    What about New Years? Again, I'll do nothing. I'm not big on anything lol. Plus I don't drink, and I don't enjoy being around drunk people. But yeah, I hope you enjoy whatever you do
  15. I'l post you some ... and I think snowball fights are over-rated. they're not usually as dandy and cool as in the films. first, its hard to make a snowball quick enough without getting taken out in the process, then you just get unbearably cold... and there isn't much worse than getting melting snow run down your back haha
    ... oh yea I remember kinda were it is now,.. down near that little pointy bit that pokes out at the bottom? ... my dad went about ten years ago, but I've never been. I tell myself I'l go someday but I dunno if it will happen. I've actually got half aboriginee cousins .. (and ive just butchered the spelling)
    Usually christmas for me is really quiet. . don't usually have a big get together or anything, just at my parents house, the four of us, and we dont really leave the house. it's always been like that, my parents have never really been into visiting relatives that much. I like it though.... What about you? did you say something about your boyfriends mum visiting?
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