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    When I was about 2 or 3... I was OBESSESSED with Sesame Street,Barney,and Teletubbies xD
    And on my FB,Spongebob is under my list of Inspirational People xD
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    Yeah,your exactly right. TV is mostly re-runs of the same show over and over,or just a variety of stupid-a** shows.

    Now if I am in the room with my family,they usually watch the news or Spongebob(when my cousins or brothers and sisters are around),and that is literally the only time I will ever watch TV. Oh..and I like to watch Spongebob xD
  3. View Conversation
    I used to live in Houston, but the town I live in now is teeny-tiny!!!

    I would love to go to Ireland! I would kill for a little moisture in the air right now.
  4. View Conversation
    I am in east Texas so it has been hotter than Hades around here

    We are currently in the middle of a drought and that is not helping much either.
    hoe about for you?
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    And yeah,I used to watch TV constantly,but when I got in high-school...I literally stopped watching it. Either I was too tired to watch it or I had too much homework to do,and ever since then..well I can't exactly watch TV,it bores me to death :/
  6. View Conversation
    Life is wonderful, how about yourself?
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    I don't watch much TV anymore,but I do love to watch Adventure Time,even though it is kinda child-ish :3
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    You ever heard of an anime show called Inuyasha?? Well when I was little I used to buy the cards from the show and collect them,and then put them in the leather pouch my grandma made me

    And no,your not hopeless :]
  9. View Conversation
    Ahh,my grandma used to make tons of dreamcatchers and Native American stuff. I have leather pouch she gave me,filled with Inuyasha cards xD My grandma (and her ancestors) are where I got my Irish part of me.
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    I might watch it sometime on Netflix And I don't know the exactly location,I just know that I am part Irish,Native American,Dutch,etc..
  11. View Conversation
    Nope,..I have never heard of it

    No I don't kow Gillian Welch xD I like classical music,too,but I really don't know the name of any classical songs I like xD

    Lol! You know.. I am part Irish :]
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    And I have never heard of Dr.Lecter :/

    And yep,all kinds of music..except for some country songs >.< How about you? :]
  13. View Conversation
    I live in the southern part of America, Tennesse to be honest.

    My grandpa said it was a water snake,but Idk if that is what they know..scientifically lol. And it was about.. 4 feet was HUGE. It scared me to death And thanks, I am sore from that fall and the bruise looks pretty bad xD

    Omg,my step dad used to collect snakes.. all different types. And one day he lost a snake in the house...lets just say that I stayed outside that entire day xD They found it later in the afternoon,it had slithered under the couch >.< And a few weeks later?? Was it dead when y'all found it? Or was it waiting for its next
  14. View Conversation
    Well,since I live in the South, I went swimming in the creek again for about 5 hours. It was all good until an effin snake started swimming next to me ( I am TERRIFIED of snakes..) and I was screaming and running away for dear life xD
  15. View Conversation
    Lol,an even better reason to get one's your day going? :]
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