Conversation Between seanb and Clint

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. I probably was a jazz enthusiast, but unfortunately, I have a very short term memory nowadays. I can't remember anything before 2008.
  2. that's rather accurate, big bald men do look alike, probably because they are all big and bald.
    I hear Clint Eastwood is quite the jazz enthusiast.
  3. Ah. It looked like Bam Bam without the tattoos on his head. Though perhaps all large bald men look alike.
  4. No, although I wish it was... That's Barry the Blender Henderson.
  5. Hey, is that Bam Bam Bigelow in your profile picture?
  6. Wasn't that the Intercontinental Championship that he ended up losing to Marty Jannetty?

  7. I make em' hot, I make em' shiver, their knees get weak, whenever I'm around.
  8. I got the moves, that really move them. I send chills up and down their spine.
  9. i think im cute, i know im sexy, i got the looks that drive the girls wild
  10. I saw a recent picture of him with a giant dead bear that he shot dead. I think his hunting show is going to be kick ass.

    I remember when he won the 1995 Royal Rumble. It was a great moment. I always liked how he pulled himself back over the top rope. If I remember correctly, that was an old Ricky Steamboat spot. However, I feel that it was a mistake to have him win, seeing as there was no way in hell anybody could picture him getting the better of Diesel at WrestleMania.
  11. What a wonderful combination.

    Really yea? I've also been a fan since I was a child. A true charismatic legend.
    That was an epic match that Iron man, his entrance from what I remember was also incredible when he zip-lined down from the roof. Another moment that was brilliant would have to be the '95 royal rumble, remember when recovered and eliminated the british bulldog? Simply brilliant.
    I hear he is supposed to be making a new hunting show on tv. That should be interesting
  12. I enjoy non intoxicating safely edible mushrooms, especially with the combination of onions and peppers.

    And yes, Shawn Michaels has been one of my favorite wrestlers since I was a kid. My favorite match of all time is still the Iron Man match he had against Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII. The match he had against Undertaker at "The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania" is pretty high on my list, too.
  13. Of course I mean the non intoxicating group of safely edible mushrooms, I wondered because you seem like a guy who likes his mushrooms on the side.
    And yes that is the one and only HBK. Are you a fan?
  14. I just noticed something. Isn't that Shawn Michaels in your profile picture?
  15. I wouldn't say mushrooms are my favorite topping, but they aren't disgusting. And if you are referring to mushrooms as a drug, then no, I'm straight edge, and therefore refrain from any and all drug use. Why do you ask?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 46
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