Professor of Time Travel and Mating Rituals. I hope my unique service will benefit you.
I was going to offer you the position of Professor of Space Laser Genitalia, but I had to give that position to Pete, so I'm going to let you choose your own curriculum. What do you want to be the professor of?
I am very interested.
You are welcome, my son. I do need professors in my organization. You can choose to become one. If not, I won't hold it against you. So, are you interested in a job?
It truly is my honor to accept. Thank you.
It is your lucky day, my friend. How would you like to be a part of something great? I want you to join the Goddamn Eastwood Academy of Awesomeness, and be a part of my New World Order. What say you?
Affable, huh? I like your choice of vocabulary, my friend. You are a very astute fellow.
Thanks. And I will go see it soon, I might find some affable nitwit to accompany me
Thank you. You are a very intelligent fellow, you know that? I like anyone who compliments me, so thank you again. Go see J. Edgar if you haven't already.
You are brilliant
It's fine. I was just explaining that it was a joke and not a typo. I didn't actually expect anybody to get it.
oh my bad, can't say I've ever got into ST.
Oh really? I would never have guessed... don't worry I'll keep my gob shut, wouldn't want anyone to know. The USA would be in jeopardy should anyone find out. P.S I'm actually Brad Paisleys son, but I don't tell people.
Well, I only tell people that I have a short term memory, because if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not actually Clint Eastwood. Don't tell anybody my secret though, because I think I have everybody else fooled.
ah what a pity, you featured in a documentary about the history of the genre, and really knew your shit.