Conversation Between Sasquatch and Alpha

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've never even seen Guinness draught on offer or, at least, never noticed it.
  2. I like Guinness draught more than the Extra Stout, but I'll drink either. I ain't picky.
  3. O rly, I thought you liked Guinness?
  4. I'm bigger into draughts, but hey, no complaints here!
  5. Wow, we 98.9% agree on something! Calls for a beer! My shout on the stout when you visit?
  6. Hahahahah, yes you can. The idea was to be funny -- I mentioned something along the same lines a few years ago (getting double-teamed by trannies) without realizing it, and it was pointed out. So when I see a chance that makes that line relevant, I jump on it, so to speak.
  7. "I dunno, I guess I just like walking around in the forest getting double-teamed by trannies."

    Can I sig check that, please?
  8. Either way, I'll be on vacation then too. I'd be happy to show you around a bit, and shout you a few rounds, should you come to Wellington.

    EDIT: And you should.
  9. Indeed I am. Not sure when, though. Either late fall of 2011, like November or early December, or the first part of 2012.
  10. Are you going to go to Australia, and New Zealand, or not?
  11. (from rep)...which is also known as university (but generally when referring to a specific institution, not the concept), and is just "higher education" -- what you call "college".
  12. Happy birthday!

    Interesting that our birthdays our exactly a week apart (well, a week and five years, but hey).

    I was going to donate to Greenpeace or the Democrats or something on your behalf. But I didn't get round to it. So now me not giving you a 'gift' is probably a good thing, from your perspective.

    Anyway, have a good one man.
  13. You don't get scared going up to what you know is an explosive? I mean, I'd just run. But as they say: 'it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it'.

    I suppose it's Iraq? But, what will 'home' be when the war's over? I mean, the wars there have been going on for a decade. They will have to conclude eventually, in at least some capacity. I do think Obama is being hasty. As much as I oppose the war (I don't expect you to agree ), you can't just pack up ship like that. And no one's ever beat the Afghanis.
  14. I've been gone recently for some Army training, which will allow me to set explosives on IEDs and detonate them in place, given they fit certain limitations. This way, we won't have to wait for EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal, basically the military bomb squad) to come deal with them, so that might save us four, six, even eight or ten hours per IED we find.

    As for going back "home" ... I'm going overseas again. And while most people would think that Soldiers go to war for a year, then come back home, most of us don't. Most combat Soldiers, anyway. It becomes our family, it becomes our job, it becomes our life. War becomes "home". So we don't go to war, then go home -- we go to war, then leave "home" to come back to the States. And damn, am I looking forward to going back "home".
  15. Glad to see you're back, even though I only show my own face periodically.

    What do you mean by 'home' in inverted commas?

    Also, if you have time, I would be interested in reading your opinion regarding my Anne Rice thread in ID.
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