Conversation Between SacredAngel13 and Ethan Blitzball King

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. whoaaa~
    that's great! how's your school anyway?
  2. I am a transfer student from england I now go to a school in maine
  3. ah i see..
    plane? where did you go anyway?
  4. Just great actually I just got off a plane
  5. Hey Sa13 how are you today?????
  6. oohh...
    thanks anyway! ^O^

    i'm just fine today,,
    how bout ya?
  7. Well you have a nice Avatar too and howdy to you too I guess how are you today????
  8. hey.. thanks for the compliment! ^^

    so howdy?
  9. Hey Nice Background I think its cool
  10. Heh Thanks and well I gotta go to school so I will ttyl
  11. ah i see..

    have a nice day! ^^
  12. Tired just woke up and you are welcome for the request
  13. hello there!
    thankies for the friend request..^^

    i'm fine here..
    how bout ya?
  14. Hi how are you today??????
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 29 of 29
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