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    I was given the rights to judge by me and only me, everyone must respect that. I got here by hard work and dedication. How are you doing my fight picking friend, kidding.
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    VERY heavy, kinda looks like a f!!!
  3. View Conversation
    Speaking of bre sizes, have you seen Witchblade???
  4. View Conversation
    Why do the guys/girls in anime have to be so d**n good looking. It just isn't fair!!!
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    I started it on demand, but my cable was turned off before I coould get to the second episode. Do you read manga too?
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    It doesn't really end, but then again it really isn't meant to. It's more of a philisophical type, very touching story, but I don't want to ruin it for you.

    I agree, this is definitely the best around.
  7. View Conversation
    Code Geass was awesome, I haven't seen the other two though. Trinity Blood, Hell Girl, and Mushi-shi are BIG faves. I have only tried one other forum, and felt like going on a killing spree after five min, not good. This one is full of great and interesting people , so I don't think I will need to look around anymore.
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    I like a very wide variety of anime, and own series ranging from Pretear to witchblade, i will list them if you like, but its gonna be a long one.

    I came here to talk to people who shared the same interests as me, and would actually talk about them without all the fangirl bs. This site is my drug and I love it! How about you?
  9. View Conversation
    Did I say ban? I guess I did :0, I meant block, sorry. I would like to see Australia one day, the sun is a problem here, it is way too hot and we are in the middle of a long drought.
  10. View Conversation
    I started my day by banning an a**hole on FB, soo much fun

    I live in east Texas, how about you?
  11. View Conversation are you today?
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    She is from Rin Daughter of the Mnemosyne. She is the lead character, I love that pic
  13. View Conversation
    As far as I know, it is related to the series. ^^
    And it aired in 2010, so it's not that old. I only realized there was a movie because I've watched the series for the first time this year. ^^"
    I'll tell you more about it after I've watched it. Or you could just watch it by yourself, I'm gonna need pretty long to watch it, I suppose XD
  14. View Conversation
    RE your edit: How?
  15. View Conversation
    It's a pet peeve because there are like 1.5 billion Christians in the world and there is no way that one person adequately represents them, especially when s/he's talking about video games.

    I wasn't being antagonistic, that just really irritates me. I made a thread about it a while ago, I'll find the link.


    EDIT2: No hate. I just think that bringing up that person's religion was irrelevant. It's like me saying, I bought my train ticket from a Muslim and then sat next to an atheist. Later on I had lunch with my Buddhist friend and bumped into a Jew as he left the lift. In all of these instances, I just interacted with people -- their religion didn't define them.
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