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    Haha that requires co-ordination. Maybe you'll find some at the bottom of that last bottle of vodka?

  2. View Conversation
    This is for you to read when you are sober:

    "youre a ****ing bamf right now I'm gonna drink, awhole bottle of vodka for you right now and then habgve sex loololol"

    Keep it up
  3. View Conversation
    Nice Avatar. Best character in that series.
  4. View Conversation
    Niightz :3

    Don't let the bed bugs bite... or the midget minions under your bed
  5. View Conversation
    Ther' it is
  6. View Conversation
    I'm on the floor, and I bust my move.
  7. View Conversation
    It's not that I lurk, it's just that I'm never on lol.

    I might make a grand comeback. Maybe, I'll become the Noob riot squad.
  8. View Conversation
    You should write to Obama.

    God I love Obama.
  9. View Conversation
    It went well thank you very much
    I ate at a very fancy-ish restaurant LOL Well, not really but I did eat out. I think it was Montanas we have in Canada. I ate this chicken pasts thing, which was great
    OMG that dp of yours scared me for a second xD
  10. View Conversation
    You getti'n horny, you cannot control you.
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    Ohhhh 'aight, I was under the impression that you were way below them for some reason. Yeah some of the enemies have the most brutal set of accessories that'll just destroy you. A technique that I remember using is destroying the environment to build up stage bravery, then landing an attack and gaining said bravery. Though if the enemy hits you first and takes it for themselves, then that kinda sucks, a lot.

    Chicken Knife! I don't have that yet, is it awesome? I mean, the name itself sounds bad ass enough.
    I honestly can't remember, I'm gonna have to get back to you on that once I go check. I think my setup for accessories consisted of supporting Zidane's weaker areas though, like attack power and stuff. What about you?
  12. View Conversation
    How am I ever supposed to take you seriously with that avatar? haha

    No I never really liked playing that many racing games unless I had an opponent to play against. I got hooked on Tokyo because I liked how it was just you against everyone on the road an there was no corny story line, you just build your own street cred and nickname. If I played it right now, I would be hooked again that's why I'm trying to avoid it lol. Have you played it at all?
  13. View Conversation
    Going good, wife is home. We are fighting the sadness of not having the youngest one here yet. We went and saw him earlier tonight; I loved every minute of it but it sucks because it was limited to less then an hour. Can't wait for the day we can bring him home. Breyen is transistioning alright but the real test is when Aaden comes home. Tomorrow he will be a week old. Crazy.

    How about you? How long will you be away for thanksgiving?
  14. View Conversation
    Heh-heh, thank you very much, Rocky! =]
  15. View Conversation
    Gotta love Magic Pot! As for Squall, unfortunately I can't remember anything helpful to tell you, its been a while since I've played Dissidia, let alone done Inward Chaos. I think I might go play it again today though. What is the level difference between you and him?
    Also, you've got Duel Colosseum unlocked, right?
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About Rocky

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Date of Birth
November 9, 1988 (36)
About Rocky
"But I'm Andre, Benjamin Andre to be exact, You'd hope to meet a gentleman one day, will this is that."
being a tryhard
Favorite FF?:
College Student, CMH Specialist


†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

che: rofl <3 Meier.

Loaf: Meier is the best.

Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.


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01-03-2025 07:16 PM
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