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    I think I'm opposite; while I did like P3's music I fell in love with P4's a lot more. Though there are certain tracks from both that I both adore and don't care for. For example, P3's final boss music is amaaaazing. I love when games have really kickass final boss music, it just makes the game twice as good.

    Haha I almost forgot about the police officer. Unfortunately he is reduced to a shop keeper and that's it. And yeah I can totally see that, you remind me of Yousuke a lot, you even kinda look like him. Just paint your glasses orange. xD I like Elizabeth too for the same reasons, not to mention the dates with her are really cute.

    Ideally? Well, I do really like my job, but it can stress me out so bad sometimes lol. I don't know if you meant like, career or anything but what gamer hasn't had the nerdy dream of being some sort of game developer you know? =P Ah, pipe dreams. Oh! The other job I've always kinda really wanted to do was be a detective, haha. What about you?

    You nailed it. xD Yeah, the ones I go to are usually anime cons where the majority of people are dressed up and there's all kinds of gaming events and contests and karaoke and movie screenings and other events going on. I could go plenty more in-depth if you'd like. xD I'm really excited because this year, one of the guests is gonna be Daisuke Ishiwatari! I don't know if you play much Guilty Gear or BlazBlue, but he's the guy that created and did the music for both. Dude that would be so rad, I hope you get to do that!

    Business administration huh? Is there a specific career that you're aiming towards right now? And thanks for the advice, I'm pretty nervous about starting school again in general so advice helps. ^ ^
    Duuude that sucks. =( Well luckily colds don't usually last too long, feeling any better tonight?
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    Totally! I love classic turn-based battle systems like that. Not to mention Persona's always got really upbeat battle music that gets you pumped. P3's is especially humorous, I couldn't take the game seriously for a while. xD

    Yeah there's definitely more chances for the characters to develop in 3, more events if I remember correctly. So who are your favorite characters, in both games? For me, its hard to choose a favorite in P4, but I really liked Adachi and Chie. Kanji and Yousuke are close seconds probably. In P3, probably Shinjiro. Also, do you prefer Margaret or Elizabeth?

    Same, I mean aside from my job I also have some babysitting gigs queued up, but that's not a very solid income, so yeah, GameStop's starting to look less bad an option, though the hesitation's still there. I've heard of lots of employees there hating their job, so the horror stories don't help. And lol, I don't know how to respond to that. xD

    Awww, there's not even a little con nearby? Luckily there's this con that happens every year that's only 20 minutes from where I live so I usually go to that. Good luck with the jobs, and especially good luck if you do end up working consistently this summer, that takes a lot of stamina/will-power. Woah, you might get sponsored? Dude that'd be sick! Do you know where you'd get to go if you got to attend the national events?
    Haha, now I sure wouldn't mind if that happened to me too! Dreaming big never hurt anybody.

    As of right now... I'm still not too sure, haha. Aside from general ed, I'll probably takes some art/music classes and maybe some acting classes, but I really have no idea what I'd like to do, or work towards. I feel kinda lame because of it, but hopefully I'll find what I wanna do somewhere along the way, you know? ^ ^ What about you, are you in school?
    Colds make it sooo hard to sleep, I hope it goes away! x_x
  3. View Conversation
    i went to listen the final boss music of SD3 just now. thats got to be one of the best songs i've heard in a mana game, now i want to play more of SD3 haha.
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    I have a love/hate relationship with level grinding, its one of my favorite parts of RPGs but there gets to be a breaking point where I can't take it anymore. Usually that's when I drop the game from boredom (bad habit of mine), or suck it up and beat it at the level I'm at.

    Yeah Kanji's a beast with attacking, but I would have switched him out with a healer too. I went through the game using my MC as a part-time healer because I wanted to use characters I liked most in my party, rather than characters that were useful. xD

    One thing that's nice about the P3 cast is that they get more of a chance to develop as characters, as opposed to in P4 where after their individual shadow incident they're mostly reduced to background chatter. That's one of the only things I didn't like about P4, that and how rushed the story was at the end. I love who ended up being the culprit though! One of my favorite antagonists ever.

    Awww man, we're kindred spirits yo. =( Good luck with the FedEx job, seriously! I've been considering applying for GameStop, only because the manager there said he'd hire me, but it wouldn't be my first choice. Guess you can't be picky these days though right?
    Big plans? I wish! Mostly just gonna be working, and probably going to a few conventions. I've also got this big pipe dream of beating all my games this summer... Ha ha ha. How about you?
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    Getting to Lvl. 99 in that game is so much harder than in P3, I gave up at Lvl. 96. It was taking way too long and I just wanted to beat it. xD So was that your final party? Sounds manly. ;] I really regretted not using Teddie in mine, but I couldn't kick out Yousuke, Chie or Kanji... I think once I start my New Game+ I'll switch Kanji for him though. Kanji gets the shaft!
    Oh, have you started FES yet?

    I've been feeling like a bum! My hours got cut so I only work once a week, and I don't start school again until fall so I sleep all day lol. How about you? And yeah I rarely check my reps since I rarely post in the first place so there isn't much to be repped. xD
  6. View Conversation
    Heyyyyyy so like I only just now saw your rep about P4, so you finally got it! Did'ya beat it yet?
  7. View Conversation
    I can't believe that got canned.
    Almost a pity I've decided to aim a little higher than a web forum.
  8. ROFL@superhero thread post. I can't give you any more thanks or I would.
  9. View Conversation
    Ah, drunkenly commanding school children to shoot themselves in the head to summon demons. It will be a great time.
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    Yeah I played through a couple of characters and I mean the fighting is pretty cool I just don't know about the rest of it I am sure if I just sit down and start working through it I will enjoy it. I might indeed have to get her to send Persona I have played everything else I have and still have a few months to go. I loved the whole GT series but the latest one for psp just didn't come through for me. You don't get any series races they are all individual events and there is zero customization of vehicle appearance. They randomly place you with a group of 3 other cars so there were times I was racing a Ford pickup against a Handa Civic. I still play it just because of lack of options but very big let down.

    I am stationed on The USS Ashland, from what I hear we were in the news a few weeks back because of the attempted pirate attack we had. So where we are isn't to classified so far as the part of the world. We are floating around the area of Jordan but we have been all over in the Arabian Gulf. We left in the middle of January and we are set to be back the middle of July so long as things go as planned. Its harder this time because my last deployment I was single and no kids on the way this time thats all I can think about is getting back to them. I am happy to be out here doing this because I think everyone has to help in some way to keep America a great place and well this is my way.

    What are you going to be studying? I had a friend back in VA and she helped with special needs kids she seemed to enjoy it alot too. We were told about the flood but not much just that the base in Millington flooded out so the people that place us in our next duty station have been shut down and everything is kind of on hold which sucks for the people waiting to transfer.I hope your friend's family is ok and didn't get hurt. Wow that sucks I wish all your friends the best in Afghanistan, tell them to pack for HOT HOT weather, I was outside yesterday for 30 minutes and got sun burnt on my arms and lost 7 pounds to sweat, lol maybe alittle over exageration.

    Who around here should I look out for are there any trouble makers I should be aware of? What is with the little banner that says like noobie and mage and changes all the time what decides the title it gives you? What is with the lack of activity it seems everyone has just fallen off the face of the earth no one has been around.
  11. View Conversation
    Alright man.
  12. View Conversation
    It's nice to meet you too. I am happy to get such a warm welcome from everyone. Yeah Crisis Core is my favorite right now mainly do to the fact that all I have out here is my psp and That was the game I bought before I left on deployment. My wife sent me Disidia but I am having trouble getting into it. I really liked it I'm sure you will to. How is Persona is it worth playing? Like I said all I really have is the psp and so far I can't really find to many games I enjoy for it. I was really let down by Gran Turismo I was waitting for that game forever and it just didn't deliver. I am always down for meeting new people I am regularly looking for new things to talk about and learn about.

    So whats your story where you from what do you do all that good stuff? Any big news about back in the states would be awsome to I'm kinda lost out here don't get to know all the news events from back that way.
  13. View Conversation
    ok, i was just making sure, i don't take kindly to attacks to threads i make. i've had experiences like that before, that is why i wanted to ask. i'm on my vacation now heading up to wisconsin and minnesota.
  14. View Conversation
    When are you going to post your character in the RE Outbreak File #3 OoC thread. Some of us actually wanna get some shit done Rocky...jk...But seriously when do you plan to post it.
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    Hello after about an hour of aimless wondering around on this site I finaly found where the hell to say hi...... Damn its been a long day haha. Now off to do real work. BTW you have a lot of work ahead of you if you plan on helping me hahaha.
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About Rocky

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Date of Birth
November 9, 1988 (36)
About Rocky
"But I'm Andre, Benjamin Andre to be exact, You'd hope to meet a gentleman one day, will this is that."
being a tryhard
Favorite FF?:
College Student, CMH Specialist


†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

che: rofl <3 Meier.

Loaf: Meier is the best.

Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.


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