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    Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
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    I hate factoring and bs ways of doing math too! I was in the same exact situation in all of my college math classes. Not fun.
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    Lost Odyssey I plan on playing more. When I get the time. ><
    But Castle Crashers is bloody awesome, as is Destroy All Humans! which is a downloadable xbox classic now.
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    Don't feel to bad about it, the door swings both ways on that one haha. But yes I will accept.
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    Haha I really like it so far. I'm not sure which one I want to play, though. I'm hoping I'll know by the end. And I got paired with a girl from China, so that's going to be a bit of a challenge. She's really nice and eager to learn about absurdism, though, so this should be fun.

    ALSO YOU HAVE A CRUSH!! Just read about it. You have made me curious. Call me Sherlock.
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    We would totally rock Team Frosting.
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    Yay! Rocky rep! I'm just uh... keeping it real, you know.
    "I'm so angry, post more!" "Nope! **** off."
    "Hey, cool post, here's rep or something similar." "AWESOME, I'M GONNA POST ALL THE TIME!"

    That's how MY brain works, anyway.
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    I went with Red, Liza, Fei-On, BJ&K and Rabbit. BJ&K has Laser Cannon and Medikit (crucial for the early levels) and can learn some sweet data, Liza and Fei-On are excellent because they are pure fighters (thus double or triple the DSC; if you add Fuse and maybe Gen, you can get all 5 characters doing DSC on one single character...and one does it while on a Sentai super suit!!). Rabbit is a must: the Bit System and the evolved SatelliteBeam will make every single battle easier.

    Doll is a bit meh in my opinion, but that's me; she's part gunner and part mage, and Mystic Magic leads to Shadow Magic (and hence to ShadowServant; you'll remember me when you see it). If anything, you should get around her just to do the impossible (have in one same game the two warring factions)

    Warring factions, you ask? If you're savvy, you can get both the entire IRPO police officers and all Gradius vigilantes, if you know how to do it. If not, I can tell you how:

    Fuse: either by getting him on the Arcane Magic Gift Quest (for the Shield card; highly recommended) or by getting him before battling Arachne on the CC Building
    Doll: at Shingrow. Though you probably knew that
    Silence: Must go with Red to Omble, the realm of Shadow. Get his shadow at the beginning of the stage.
    Cotton: at the Bio Research Lab. Make sure you have Fuse or any of the IRPO officers around for the extra scene.

    Annie or Liza: accompanies you to Shuzer. Make sure you do get Liza. Liza is supposed to appear at one of the four quests of Rune Magic Gift (I think is the Koorong one; HideRune). Annie appears when you need to get the FreedomRune at Despair prison.
    Roufas: please, don't get him until you do the Rune Magic Gift Quest, since Roufas automatically joins with all males at the Tomb where the VictoryRune lies at Shrike.
    Emelia: Gold Card. Baccarat. Bunny suit. 'Nuff said.

    Since you're familiar with Emelia's quest, Gradius should be slightly pumped up so as long as you saved the first quest data on your system data and began a new quest with that data.

    As for the Mecs, you should equip them the heavy artillery weapons or the energy-based weapons. Those that use LaserCannons as part of their "fuselage" should have an extra energy weapon (GrainCannon, HG-Cannon, and one of the 50 Power weapons at the secret weapon shop at Koorong) to get one extra "Magnify" attack. Equip suits such as the PoweredSuit, as that raises Defense and also Strength and Vitality, with some Quickness. Usually, Gloves raise Strength while Boots raise Quickness; the Boards raise Strength, Quickness, Intelligence and Will to high levels; Helmets also raise Intelligence. You need a lot of Intelligence for the artillery-based weapons, so go with Suits and Boards for it, and if necessary add a helmet or two.

    As for the skills, absorb data once you are almost out of WP. It tends to maximize chances of absorption; MecDobbies, MecDobby100's and Skylabs tend to give virtually all the good data abilities, with spare others giving the rest. Try to learn stuff like MaxwellProgram and EvasionRocket; Magnify is a must for people like BJ&K and Rabbit, as it allows you to consume all your energy-weapon ammo in a single attack dealing twice the damage (think something along the lines of 2k-3k damage; you might want to waste all your ammo before or else you'll find yourself without ammo early on). If you can get your hands on LogicBomb, much better (for those pesky Mecs, like...MBLACK!! And some others...) Not sure if BJ&K provides EnergySupply, but at least try and find Rabbit its SatelliteBeam attack.

    BTW...if you're wondering who's BJ&K, he's the Mec that heals you at the Cygnus. You can get him during the raid to the ship.
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    Finished Emelia?


    Red. NAO!!
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    Congratulations! You have been invited to the wedding of Violet and Silver! Please enclose your full name and full address and send to 238 Honeymoon Rd.

    Please contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859 for RSVP's.

    Please have your RSVP's done by the 1st of October.

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    Good, and making me bored
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    Hi, I just want to say hi
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    damn duder that sucks, it to me is one of the best ever made. But yeah I really do know how to spell that it is an inside joke that has been going on for like 8 years between me and a friend that doesn't even come to this site haha. Can't break old habbits for some reason.
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    Haha. 3oh!3 is ace man. Starstrukk's and Don't Trust Me are hilarious. I'll be sure to check out their other stuff. ^^
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    Yeah, it's not exactly the easiest day for me. Sometimes saying less like that is the easiest way for me to reflect. Weird thing was, I was a member here when it happened, and you could kinda tell I wasn't right for a while. But I'm better, and thats always a major plus.
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About Rocky

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Date of Birth
November 9, 1988 (36)
About Rocky
"But I'm Andre, Benjamin Andre to be exact, You'd hope to meet a gentleman one day, will this is that."
being a tryhard
Favorite FF?:
College Student, CMH Specialist


†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

che: rofl <3 Meier.

Loaf: Meier is the best.

Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.


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