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I get a lot of questions about where I went to highschool (not on here really, but in general) and I always find myself stunned. There's too much to cover in a few sentences. However, for his graduation project, my best friend did a retrospective video about our school. So, to help me organize what to say when people ask, and to kind of keep a reminder of where I've been, I'll make this post.
Early College is a five year alternative to regular American highscool, during which students
Tonight I graduated from Buncombe County Early College. It was magnificent. I don't like large formal events, but tonight was really something, and not just because I was given my Diploma and my Associates in Science simultaneously. I guess those last few moments with my peers was all I needed before gearing up to breathe the winds of change. So I guess I'm ready to just chill over the summer, recuperate, and move into an unknown place where I know absolutely no one.
I also managed
All of it. School, relationship, everything. I'm done. She left today, and frankly I'm in a tossup between not giving a damn and feeling like my heart is missing. I graduate tomorrow for ****s sake. On that note, I'm going to school at UNC-G if anyone else happens to be interested. Finally got accepted somewhere.
Anyways, in my little fit of loneliness I made a new friend, and have begun rocking FFV again. Between it and VIII I think I've finally found my favorite FF's.
And boy do I have one.
So to catch up, my computer is back online, praise be unto Hojo. I found a job working at my local Wally World in the Garden Center, doing various manly tasks that I was unaware even existed. Got denied to each university I've applied to thus far. So my mind is already a stew of stress and conflicted feelings.
Which then get stirred by a woman.
My lovely lady has begun partying again. She isn't drinking anymore, thank god, but
Don't I look like an asshole, saying I'm gonna be active then having my computer smashed. Needless to say it's been tricky to get my work done, much less forum, but hey, here I am for a quick update.
Quit my job. Just up and quit. Which was the dumbest choice I've made so far. However, I found a great girl to keep me company so I gotta be doing something right. Adjusting to glasses fairly well, and I'm kicking ass in my last semester.
I love all of you guys, and I