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    So kind of you to ask cos I'm in the middle of my final exams . Thank Allah till now they are good .
    I will be back as I graduate sooooooooon
    wish me good luck
  2. View Conversation
    Well, i said about 2 years ago when i was still in school that i could never move, never start anew again. After leaving school however, i lost everyone. So really, i have nothing to lose, everything to gain
  3. View Conversation
    Likewise :3

    Yeah, that could be it, but everyone around me seems to want a seachange. Well, most of em And lets not mention growing up at all >.<

    Ehh ipod died
  4. View Conversation
    -Gasp- So cute!!!!! Awwww!!! I'm envious x3
  5. View Conversation
    I will PM you the e-mail ^^! I added your address I think.. maybe you have a new one too? Ooo I don't know xD

    Birds eh? Ooo! Is it like that Hitchcock movie 'The Birds'? That was so random xD
  6. View Conversation
    Sorry, i was just real confused about all this talk of "glomp", i forgot, but the topic was all over the place so i thought it was more general, and i'd get wawy with it, i get mixed between facebook and this. . .

    And yeah, i told a few of my friends at school to join TFF so i would'nt be lonely.
    Should i go delete the post?
  7. View Conversation
    Cool.. I love when you discover something new about your phone xD. It's such a nice feeling x3...

    As for the internship it was sort of planned. I mean for my course as I started in the third year I didn't have to, but I wanted to you know? So, I will probably be in a supervisory position within housekeeping and will have to be trained for 3 months and then work for the other 3. I will be paid (but a very small amount sadly ;; ) XD.It should be fun, I mean the Hyatt is a good company so at least I can put that on my CV. Next internship I will try out for Front Office... I got the highest grade in my year. Wha hoo! XD

    So tell me Mr. Kindness Saviour, whats new with you? You gotta tell me it all because I missed ya and I wanna know ^~.
  8. View Conversation
    I wish xD! They're so strict here... as it's a hospitality school the room has to be flawless @_@ Why me.. ^~ Well it's okay, because for the next 6 months I will have an internship in Housekeeping with the Hyatt ^^. Just wish I could have the vacuum -.-;
  9. View Conversation
    XD I hope your computer feels better soon... You need to tell it to hurry up because I want to talk to you haha. Been too long already....

    (Bleh... cleaning my room at the moment. All the stupid vacuums are being used so I have to wait ;; )
  10. View Conversation
    ^__^ Aww, yay you remember me then ^^! I'm so glad to be back! Wha hoo ^__^. Oh and you're new adoptee is very lucky to have you looking out for them! -Huggles-

    Yes, lots to catch up on for sure! I am very sorry for disappearing x.x I mean, it was inexcusable really but not done because I wanted to. It was the only way in which I felt I could deal with the situation you know? I had some stuff going on which really got to me =/. Alas, it is basically over now! And of course I came back!

    I must send you my new MSN address... I will do that as soon as I finish my Marketing exam! It's the last exam thankfully... then I just have to make my room look spotless for checkout time haha! Meep ;P

    Missed you so much... Aww, so happy! Thank you for remembering me xD! <33333
  11. View Conversation
    Long time no see stranger ^^ Missed you!
  12. View Conversation
    No you're not, but yeah. . .I read the rules and it said that the post had to be relavant to the thread, so i thought i'd go around grinding to get exp (I also want to make 100 posts so i can play snake. . .that's why i was grinding).

    I thought that i could post anything as long as it was relevant to the thread, but i forgot about the one liner rule , but at least your helping me

    Also Telegraph (A moo, woops (LOL), a mod) is getting angry at me, i don't wanna get banned, so i'll try my best to follow the rules. I don't wanna get in trouble/banned cause you'll look like a bad teahcer, sorry if i have so far. . .
    Also thanks for telling about what crao porr c0ck8 was and thanks for telling me where to o to get an AV/SIG.
  13. View Conversation
    Haha. Yeah I got a good laugh out of that one. It was even funnier seeing I had the early morning giggles and had just woke up.

    I never noticed how close to Moo it is hahaha.

    Other then that I have been doing pretty good. Just staying busy as hell. My sisters wedding is coming up which has kept me very busy as of late. How about yourself??
  14. View Conversation
    Hey, how is double posting defined? Is it two posts in succession, like spam/posting twice on a forum?
    Or can you go like:
    Me: post
    Random: Post
    Me: Reply to random post
  15. View Conversation
    ummmm, I'll just tell you

    I like video games, i play the guitar (Jimi style), love martial arts and are you a boy or a girl???
    just curios?
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About RamesesII

Basic Information

Date of Birth
December 13, 1987 (37)
About RamesesII
I reigned Egypt for over 60 years, I made several self absorbed monuments to myself and my wife Nefertari.
I am a god, where ever the hell I please.
Slavery and Architecture
Favorite FF?:
FF7 the best story line ever!
Xbox Live Gamertag:
FF Collection

FF games that you have either played or own

Main Series:
Other FF Games:
FF7: Dirge of Cerberus, FF: Tactics, FF: Tactics Advance, FF: Tactics Advance 2


A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

The finer details of a signature:

CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
Nuff said^

My loving TFF Family:

My beautiful go-go dancing Queen Aara
My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
My little arcade freak brother nra4.
My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


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Belgariad- David Eddings

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The Tournament by Matthew Reilly


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- ASS Creed III


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Nothing like a good blog in the morning.

by RamesesII on 09-11-2012 at 04:51 AM
Hey look mum I just blogged.

I like this blog idea for some reason I felt like I had to write a fiction book when writing my journal, it felt like I was paraphrasing my day to day life and it was off-putting. So hopefully I will try and keep this one short and sweet.

I have to think of a way to set this out and keep it that way because that is my biggest problem is running with a single set out the problem is my thoughts come to me randomly and that.s what happens when

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