Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh yeah? Well...I just nailed you with a huge contract because I can!
    I now own you. ^^
  2. Too late, I've already paid the price SIX times! Because I can!
  3. don't buy THAT trophy... Do you really want it?
  4. *pays with dad's check*

    Woot, I can invest upwards to 50000 dollars in anything! Name your price! The price for the Super-Ultimate-Deluxe-MEGA Trophy! It will be mine!
  5. You just happen to be in luck my good man! For only five easy payments of $45.19, this wonderful mahogany trophy display case can be yours!
    What do you say?
  6. Yay! Oh wait! I gotta get a case for these!
  7. *Gasps* You also get a trophy for being a trophy lover!!!
    *Throws trophy on you* Wow, you're working up a collection.
  8. *takes huge trophy and then falls over*

    I........... love this........... trophy!!!!! AH!!!!
  9. .... It's true!
    You are the "Sound Master", huh? Here is a trophy. *Hands huge trophy*
  10. Bam-Bam-bam!


    I make sounds much better than you!
  11. Pshew! Boom! Bang!!

    Is this a sound effect battle? If so...BRING IT ON!! >:3
  12. Poppity...



  13. *glomps* Ralzers!! How are ya?
    *huggles* We need to talk more! ENTERTAIN ME! X3
  14. I was thinking the same thing! Glad we got that cleared up, huh?

    Now, shall I cast you in my new movie? I have a spot reserved. ^^

  15. Whew... thought I offended you...
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 75 of 428
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