Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hmm... I should make money in the tens of thousands! You could buy 50 XBOXs if the money continues to roll in! But buy a PS3, or Wii instead. they're better.
  2. Heehee, I think you would sell very well. You have to give me half of your profits though.
  3. My...self? What are you implying!!!
  4. Two? You want me to bring my dog or brother? XD
    If you really need money, you can go flip some burgers or sell yourself.
  5. But for two that's SIX HUNDRED dollars! Gimme a break, my wallet can only take so much...
  6. But I don't have my learners permit yet! Are you trying to say that I'm not worth 300 dollars?
  7. But plane tickets cost about 300 dollars!
  8. Sounds good! Now you just have to buy me plane tickets...because I'm not driving all that way. =/ (Also considering that I can't yet...XD)
  9. On the 7th at 7!
  10. mean that one movie with the people you can't understand because of their thick accents? I heard that it is a really good movie. ^^
    What time should we go?
  11. Uh... that one movie!!!
  12. Heehee, maybe so. Who knows. ;p
    What movie are we talking about?? x3
  13. Wow... I must've been really high that night. the most I remember is... "Wanna go to the movies?"
  14. don't want to spend the rest of your life with me?? What happened to that love confession a few weeks ago? =/

    "Silky...I love you! Please call me honey-cakes and cook me dinner every night! Lets buy a little cottage in a forest and grow old together!"

    Did you forget so soon??
  15. Nooooooooooooo!
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 60 of 428
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