Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. Most of the Jokers were great. Whoever did the one for the original Batman by Tim Burton did great to. I love the line "You... are my number one... guy!" Even though I thought he said "You... are my number one. And I..."
  2. Heath Ledger was great! He's probably the best Joker I have ever's too bad he died so young I don't think any Batman movie will ever be able to be as good as that one. (I do believe they are making a Thor movie, so I can't wait for that to come out)
  3. THAT was a movie. The guy who did the Joker... it's like he was born for that role! A real shame it pretty much can't be topped.
  4. *sigh* It has. We need another good movie to bring the good movies back. Maybe something like...THE DARK KNIGHT! <3 That movie was so fun
  5. Ha, I wish I could get that. Sadly, there aren't a lot of good movies around. So far, this has been a weak year for the movie department.
  6. But if you melted, you could get someone to put you in the freezer! would be...a popsicle...? O.o My dad likes to drag me everywhere, but it usually ends with a movie, so I don't mind ^.^ (TRANSFORMERS!! )
  7. Me too. I don't wanna melt! Besides, by this time, my parents are usually dragging me outside, but today they're not.
  8. XD Spontaneous tree combustion. I just woke up a few hours ago, so I haven't gone outside to check >.< Hold on, lemme go look! *runs downstairs*

    x.< AGGH!! It's too bright and hot! T.T I think I'll stay in my room today... x.x
  9. Well, today's going rather smoothly, and the sun isn't boiling, so I'm pretty sure the trees aren't on fire right now.
  10. Yep! Thats what I hope.
    Anyways, how are you today?? :3
  11. Oh... well, maybe they can grow the better way now.
  12. Awww.. <3 Both of my little cousins are really good kids. Their mom always complains about them, but when they are away from her, they are perfect angels
    (Im glad that woman is in rehab now...those kids needed to get away from her >.<)
  13. Yeah, education is important. I remember babysitting my little cousin once. I was surprised, he was such a good kid! He didn't annoy anyone in the house, and he made his own lunch!
  14. I think I am ^.^ They are just so cute! (Plus I don't like the way some of them are being brought up, so I hope I could help somehow)
  15. That's a nice goal. Are you good with kids?
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