Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

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  1. Perhaps once, but I haven't seen an X-Mea movie in years! I hope the Transformers2 has the actual Transformers theme!
  2. I agree! I want that second Transformers movie to be the best ever!! Oh, have you seen X-Men Origins??
  3. Haven't seen that one. But anywho... I just hope the movie industry manages to revive itself before its too late!
  4. The original always sets the standards...and being the Joker is pretty hard to do. (I would imagine >.> <.<)
    I remember he was in some movie that I really liked when I was younger....*goes on wikipedia to find the name*
    Oh! A Knight's Tale ^.^
  5. He even did better than the original Joker, and that's hard to do!
  6. What about a drunk serial killer? They can get pretty crazy

    Nah, I know what you mean. I don't think there will ever be anyone as good as Heath for the Joker T.T
  7. Yeah, so forget that. I just hope they find someone who can unlock the true spirit of the Joker.
  8. They could, but I highly doubt that they could exactly match his voice...and then the dubbing!! You know that would suck! -_-;
  9. Well, they have those voice-changing devices that can change the pitch of someone's voice. Maybe they can set it like that, but it'd be weird.
  10. Thats why I don't think the sequel would be that big of a hit. It would be nice to have one though ^.^

    It's also amazing what one can do with a computer. They may find a way to put him in there somewhere, and just use voicebanks or something.
  11. Well, that guy did put a lot of fear in the people he encountered. He made an EXCELLENT Joker. I don't think they'll be able to replace him easily!
  12. *A* -sniffle- It would be good if they made a sequel, but who would play the Joker?
  13. Sadly, no. You can save that hammer for a rainy day. But beyond that, I hope they make a Dark Knight 2.
  14. XD That sounds like something the Hero of Justice would yell out! ...O.O!!!
    Are you a superhero?? *sparkles* I have a Hammer of Justice if you want to borrow it. ^.^
  15. Hope!
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