Conversation Between Ralz and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

321 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm just Curious as to why No one Made an Appreciation Society, or Club, or Group for me? I've been gone for a few months, and I thought Someone might have done something to Commemorate me...I'm friends with you, Kilala, Fate, Meier Link, And a few others, Yet nothing...Sad Face
  2. Okay Cool. Umm, I also invited you to the "Meier Link Appreciation Club" Group...Just to let you know...If you wanna Join up, The invite is there for you.
  3. Alright, I'll try and make frequent visits!
  4. No Probleme Man. Your Always Welcomed with me Could you come up with a Group Discussion Please? I'm trying to Find a Good Topic For new Threads. Anyway, Fill Free to Add Photos of Warriors, and Whatnot...LOL
  5. I have. Thanks for the invite! ^^
  6. Hey Ralz I invited you to my Group...Hope you will Join.
Showing Visitor Messages 316 to 321 of 321
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