Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. ...Out of curiosity, what's your blood type?

    Well, everyone is trying their best. But...there aren't many people willing to stick around..... ^_^; Star Ocean isn't as big as Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, or Touhou, which is plenty to talk about. ^____^; And if you think it's gonna hurt you, please don't try.

    So I was sticking my noses in the wrong places and read the conversation between you and Ethan. You should go buy TWEWY, it's awesome. *w* It's something you have NEVER experienced before. But if you want to go play Kingdom Hearts, that's okay too~
  2. Elyon still hasn't responded to my PM, and its one that's decisive to finishing the story, too.

    SOU is pretty boring too, but everyone is trying their best to prevent the site from dying. I almost WANT another confrontation, though. ._.

    Then Duodecim is coming next month, so that's an equally tedius wait. Maybe I should play some games. I haven't sat down to play Kingdom Hearts in 2 years.
  3. It must be calm there. oAo I wanna goooo!
  4. Man winter is so depressing. Go grey and bleak. : (
  5. Totally! *sparkles*
  6. That's WONDERFUL
  7. Bwahahaha! I sure will have the most FANTASTIC and FABULOUS explosion of my life!
  8. Have a nice explosion! I mean day...
  9. I'll take number 1!

  11. Fire in the hole~!

    *throws grenades dangerously*

    *pulls out machine gun, starts blastin'*
  13. Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgeeeeeee!

    *points super-long spear straight and runs straight on a straight path*
  14. Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!

    *charges recklessly into battle, while throwing sword around body randomly*
  15. Jeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnkiiiiiinsssss!!!!!!!!

    *charges recklessly into battle, and flails arms dangerously*
Showing Visitor Messages 76 to 90 of 813
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