Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. Agh, Satan is bugging me to bug you, Meigumi. Your turn and stuff.

    (I'll make sure HE does it next time. )
  2. Saaaave ussss! ;A;
  3. G'night to you too!

  4. Anyway, good night!
  5. I have given him the first warning. Ahahahahahaha!
  6. West Wing, fifth room from the right.
  7. We'll try.

    IF we can find it again, that is.
  8. Sure, why not. While you're at it, drop a nuke in Fate's room for me, 'kay?
  9. ....Oui, is it all right if me and Angie blow up your room?
  10. Well, he was never that mean, though.

    A very scary way.
  11. SOMETIMES... -_-

    In a... scary way.
  12. Well, he can be nice sometimes.

    He's so.....'determined'.
  13. He's USUALLY simple, but sometimes...

  14. I hope it's not too bad. Well, actually, anything can be too bad if it involves him.

    Agreed, kupo!
  15. Who knows what goes on in that head of his... -_-

    Evil. And ingenius!
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