Ffft, I'm hopeless. >_>;
Pretty much.
Yes, if I knew I had the cards in the first place, then it would.
Probably a wise decision.
>w>; Then I'll keep cards with me.
Not that I know of... just, TRY to remember, I guess.
The feeling of your heart beating harder is such a scary feeling... >.> Sometimes, I'm like that too. Is there a remedy for forgetfulness?
I get that feeling sometimes, too. But mostly... I forget what I try to remember. I'm like: Hey, I thought of something! What? ...I forgot.
Besides, I can't risk fainting. I felt like I was going to fall today.
Ah yes, the healthier side of beverage.
I prefer water or orange juice with pulp.
Probably. I perfer Coke myself, but...
Then I'll tell him. >w< (He's drinking coffee, is he?)
I knew that, but I guess the group creator doesn't know that. Take your time,( he's rushing.)
Don't worry, I check the group every once in a while. ^_^