Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

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  1. *Meigumi says: Of course. To them, the whole world destroyed is NOTHING compared to me in a skirt. I've always defied dresses and my taste in fashion.*

  2. *Ralz says: That's scary...*

    I can try, but likely it will be 100% copied from something else.
  3. *Meigumi says: It's just like seeing a man in a pink dress. IN PUBLIC.*

    Fiiine. But for once, come up with something original if you're ever going to be a rich man in the future.
  4. *Ralz says: o_O*

    But, I've got an epic story planned!
  5. *Meigumi says: Nooooo..... They thought my mind warped.*

    D:< Hey, do something better for once!
  6. *Ralz says: They're jealous.*

    Scratch that, I've decided to rip off Code Geass and Kingdom Hearts II. I'm glad we had this talk.
  7. *Meigumi says: No, it wasn't epic. It wasn't that great. It was awkward and spine-crawling creepy. I could've told them that I sometimes sing to myself before I go to bed, but ehhh.*

    And, it's original..... Which is even better~
  8. *Ralz says: That explains it. They couldn't handle its epicness. o_O*

    Yes... my greatest work, yet...
  9. *Meigumi says: No. But they did die a little in the inside. They couldn't IMAGINE me in a skirt, since I wear pants all the time, whenever I'm around.*

  10. *Ralz says: Did you destroy them after? Just wondering...*

    It'll be so epic, not even "epic" will be the right word. I need to make a word more epic than "epic." o_O It will be... -----! THAT's how epic it will be. O_o
  11. *Meigumi says: Yesps. One time I told my friends that I wear skirts for fun. They stayed away the next day, as if I were some bad omen to them. It was funny.*

    It's so epic, I can't find the right words to describe the idea.
  12. *Ralz says: ORLY?*

    The gods'll be so amazed, I'll be a legend...

    Okay,maybe not THAT far, but...
  13. *Meigumi says: I have a different tactic of freaking people out. *

    It'll be so epic, that it'll amaze the gods.
  14. *Ralz says: I'm mostly in it for the reactions. Typically I get the "OMG" variety.*

    It shall be teh epic battle. ;P
  15. *Meigumi says: ....I could've been there. TT_TT I love expressions from other people. It gives me inspiration.*

    And fuuuuun. I want to see how it's like fighting 10,000 of them alone. xD
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