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  1. View Conversation
    Get the chatlog from Vivi thats your mission
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    See what I mean? You can't justify that.

    Why? Who thought that about you?
  3. View Conversation
    I know you are just let me fight my own battle thats my way of proving who I am
  4. View Conversation
    I am doing something now stay down I know he hates me and whatever you do don't get in it
  5. View Conversation

    I have all the chat log to back this up. If you want a screenprint, I'll give it to you. It hurt me to see that he lied about a dead girlfriend and solders. Who finds that funny?!

    He was peculiar. Rather strange and I don't think he's right in the head.
  6. View Conversation
    Lets take this one step at a time I know this is hard but I think we just need to let them be for now don't reply to anything you hear ???? I need you to do this for me I am gonna put myself back in fire you stay back ok????
  7. View Conversation
    He's already letting it out. Going further is called pushing people, not making them feel better. And at least I can see from his perspective and am actually helping him.
  8. View Conversation

    I'm being extremely fair and I've been extremely tolerant of that bastard. I don't care if you were "helping him out of a tight spot". You don't have a clue, do you? It wasn't that damn traitor thing at all! It sparked over there but last night, I got some messages of Rose telling me that he's a fake and he isn't British and that he's been lying to him and flirting with his wife. He also lied about his "dead" girlfriend and dead comrades that died in the army because apparently he's in the army! All them lies shouldn't go unnoticed!! So, GTFO.

    Yeah, okay fine. But why him? He isn't entertaining and he's a major nuisance that I've hated from the start. Why should he get your support?
  9. View Conversation
    Hey I am a part of this world and I am not against you I liked the fact you stood up for me and well I am telling you I am always wanting to listen so I am all ears let me take it all off you
  10. View Conversation
    'Come on. Surely you have more to rage about. -_-'

    Tell me exactly how that's being a 'good' person?
  11. View Conversation
    Ralz your best option now is to leave them alone they have no respect for anyone stop trying to be friendly they won't accept it they are too thick headed come on just let them be
  12. View Conversation
    He's not. You're the one pushing him; he's doing nothing but trying to stand his ground. So shut up and stop being an idiot and making it harder for him than it already. You know very well he's not one to just take it everthing without dishing it back, yet you continue to provoke him?
  13. View Conversation
    Pretty much hmph I gotta go cya around ralz and keep cool man
  14. View Conversation

    Why couldn't this have happened:

    What I Learned
    Well, I'm packing up for real. By tomorrow, you won't have to worry about this situation, anymore. I know you despise me... and maybe that feeling won't go away, ever.

    But, I want to let you know that I never meant you any harm by what I did. I wanted to be free from the burden I was carrying, but I should've taken care of it right away. Stupid me.

    Instead, a lie builds and builds... and I couldn't stop it. I know you probably can't forgive me... and maybe, after a while, you'll forget me, too.

    You've all given me so much, that it's overwhelming. I never stopped thinking of you, my online buddies. The people who, in the end, were the only ones I could really ever talk to. I'll never forget what I've learned from you all.

    But maybe... I never gave anything in return. Perhaps that was the first sign of my downfall... Maybe. So for that, I'm sorry. I can't ask for your forgiveness, it would be meaningless to ask now.

    So, that's it, then. I won't forget this journey I've been on, and what we did as we all grew together. You'll forget me, but the memories will never go away. The memories that birthed me. The memories that guided me. And now... the memories that destroyed me.



    There is only IT now... See you.
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah I suppose I kinda enjoy small groups
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About Ralz

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Date of Birth
April 29, 1991 (33)
About Ralz
I am an overly obsessive KH fan. Duh.
Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
Professional Annoyance
Favorite FF?:
FFXIII and FFX. Because I'm like a roller coaster.


I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
Click THERE:
TFF Family:
Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan


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03-30-2015 04:56 PM
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05-19-2015 07:09 PM
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