Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. But Faize was one of my favorite characters! I have a party of Edge, Reimi, Faize, and Sarah, but that won't happen now! If you ever need help, especially in the Purgatorium, give me a shout!^^
  2. I haven't been able to play it for three days! Don't spoiler anything, alright? I'll update you when something big happens.
  3. Noooooooooo!!!!!!!

    My Faize is gone! Arumat took his place! I don't even like Arumat! I want Faize back, but heard that's only in the second playthrough! Faize!!!
  4. I'm level 35, I think!
  5. I picked Galaxy because Earth sucks. It's Tamiel; you face him int he first really annoying dungeon: Purgatorium. Remember the Purgatorium from First Departure?
  6. I'm still here, though. Got my first game over yesterday... seven times! I had to kill him with bombs!
  7. I lied; I disappeared for half an hour!

    I think I'll go play Last Hope in half an hour!
  8. Yay... for real!^^
  9. I am!

    Anyway, I think I'll take a shower now, so see you in twenty minutes.
  10. I'm pretty smart!
  11. Yeah, I hate my school. Evil teachers, horrible lunch, I fell asleep in class during a movie about Europe. I hate it!
  12. Go Arizona! I hate that state! The lakes are strange...


    It spells HOMES!
  13. Michigan is very weird. It looks like a glove, and it's surrounded by five weird-shaped lakes.
  14. Oh yeah? Where do you go to school at? Mine's in the U.S.
  15. I'm in seventh, but I'm supposed to be in eighth! Your school is weird!
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