But Faize learns Reaping Spark at a very high level!
Hmm... I'll have to watch out for that.
Beating the game lets you continue after you beat it. After you beat it, some new features are unlocked, including the option to keep Faize when you play another file. Lookie here.
How does that even make sense?
Wait! You have to actually beat the game once before you can get Faize to join forever!
Now I HAVE to start playing again. Don't spoiler a thing!
Here's a video showing Faize (and Meracle) in different fights. At 0:30 is Faize's Reaping Spark, one of the best spells in the game.
I'm still figuring it out, 'kay?
It's weird, I can't access your profile in the other forum, 'kay?
But the way she ends her speech is, 'kay?
Lymle's not shiny, 'kay?
...Dunno. I haven't encountered anything particurarly shiny in any of the SO games I've played. I don't think I've gotten far enough to see anything. It's weird, 'kay?
What's shiny, has got to do with SO, and isn't man-made like space ships?
Definitely spoons. They are the ultimate in shiny objects. Ask anyone, they'll all say "Spoons are shiny."
I like shiny things. Ideas?