How long do you generally spend on one game? How many hours a day do you spend on it?
Oh, back in the day, about 7 years ago, I would buy around... 3 a year. That'd be about 150 spent on them, or 50 each. I purchased Star Ocean 1 and 2 for the PSP simultaneously and their game guides... around 160.
How many games do you buy a year? How much money do you spend on them?
As I probably mentioned several times, Final Fantasy X. It was the first Final Fantasy I ever played, and I loved, loved, LOVED it. Kingdom Hearts led me to it, and so I played it. I found Tidus to be somewhat whinny, but he was still great, besides! Also, the story went all over the place while still remaining solid, which is hard to do. And I'll admit... it was the first game to have and ending that... got to me...
During your 8 years of experience, which game was your favorite?
Hmm... it began when I was 10 years old. My dad gave me... Kingdom Hearts... for the PS2. Believe it or not, I actually didn't like it! I got lost when I was looking for stuff to build the raft. Got stuck on the Cloth. So, I didn't play it, for a whole year. Then, one time my friend came over and we talked about it. He insisted I try again, and so we played. He showed me where the cloth was and after that... I found out how fund it was. Sure, it was a very hard game for me at times, I died three times to Guard Armor, but, I loved it. After that... well, the rest is history.
Okay, let's start with your gaming life. How long have you started?
SF? Interview? Who signed me up for this!? Anyway... Yes, Fate. Duh, anything from you is fun to hear!...Read...
Yeah, I love Edge, too! Anyway, Ralzy, I'm gonna interview you for the Magazine in SF okay? Let's start! Answer truthfully! Hello, Ralzy, you are getting interviewed by me! Excited?
And Edge?
Wrong, he's more like a Mystic Knight that can actually cast magic. He can't heal ever. But I love FAize, so I just have to use him!^^
That's okay, I get the idea that he's a Red Mage like character.
Wait, that one doesn't list the symbology.
Lookie here!
What else does he learn? What can I look forward to?