Is that all, then?
Then I thank you for taking time to answer my questions.
Oh, don't feel like that! It's just I really had nothing more to say. Uh, thanks for this interview, I guess. I hope we can do this again sometime, and in greater detail!
This seems uncomfortable for you, so I'll stop. Any last words?
All I can say is that when the time is right, I'll find her...
Don't feel bad! Have you met the girl of your dreams yet? What kind of girl are you looking for?
Uh... kind of embarassing... I... I... I... I!... have no girlfriend... I have no love! I'm worthless... Anyway!
Now let's get on with your love life then. Ready? Are in you a serious relationship at the moment? Have you ever had a girlfriend?
I'm aiming for a job as a Graphic Designer. Probably a four-year term.
What's your major? How many years are you going for?
MCCC (Monroe Count Community College.) Let's face it, I was too uninterested in driving miles and miles out of the way to some other college, and I've decided to settle there.
Enough of your gaming life. Let's get on with your real life. You're going to college next year. Which one?
What the long one or the short one? The long one was Final Fantasy XII. Damn you, Zodiark! The short one was Loony Tunes something. My first seven playthroughs took forever, but I never saw that the game was constantly pointing me in the right direction. Literally, a hand pointed where to go next. It's like "Here, retard. This is what you do. Just follow the hand."
I'm sure everyone's wondering what game that was. So, what was it?
Hmm... I try to get as much accomplished as possible. Usually around 3-4 hours on concentrated gameplay before stopping. My longest time on a game was 180+ hours! My fastest game, though was only 1 hour long, but only because it was REALLY simple.