That is complete and utter dumbassery! Pfft! This is why I don't like Mods! Anyway, gotta come up with a phrase...
It might be because no one was answering, or maybe because it wasn't created by a mof. Shame, though... I had the answer to three of them...
What the hell!? It was either Djinn or Chez Daja! I wonder why?
I plan to never go over that, so don't worry!
Oh, no. I just checked out the General Gaming Forums and all of your Star Ocean trivia threads are closed!
But remember that the thing only allows room for 2000 characters!
I got it! Thanks a bunch, Fate! Now I'll have room for my sig!
Try it, try it, try it!!!!! Or, go to the search option and type in BB codes.
Alright, let me see...
Yes, but the one in my sig right now is not part of it... The box is this code: [spoiler ] put something here [ /spoiler ] But erase the spaces. And after the first spoiler, put an equal sign = and type in what you want the box to say next to it!
Yep. A single sig is broken into three. Our initials are on one of the three pieces, and we put our piece in our sigs. This creates... the Broken Sig! BTW, how do you compress your entire TFF Family into that close in/out box?
<(^^)>Thanks! Anyway, the Broken Sig. Do you get what it is?
That's what a leader needs! You have friends supporting you all the way!
Not exactly... everyone... I am in bad terms with Mods and Admins... All but a few... Seriously, I don't think they like me! I probably bend too many rules and dance on the boundaries! But thanks!^^
But Fate, if I said I wanted to beat you, you've already beaten me, in post count and in relationship with everyone here! Laura will follow you! I'd follow you! You've become our leader since before this idea came to pass!