Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ralz, if you had actually posted that, you'd be expecting a warning now!
  2. Oh, I read that. I think it's a lie and none of the doors have the car. It'd be the perfect mind-f*ck.
  3. The switch door thread. It hurts my head...
  4. Which thread?
  5. I have a question for you. It's a math question. And it's a thread. And I've posted in it. And I'm debating. And I know I'm right. And I wanna know if you think that I'm right.
  6. Fate!
  7. Ralzy!
  8. Or 10:40!
  9. What? Aww! See you at eleven, then...
  10. Never mind... I'm gonna gave to disappear for another... two hours. My parents are making me watch some movie. See ya.
  11. Huh?
  12. Depends how life works out. In fact, this may very well be my last day on these forums.
  13. Will you still be on this forum by then?
  14. Again, wait til 10th grade.
  15. Pfft! I doubt it! Life is never as hard as hell for me! I'm already well known at school!
Showing Visitor Messages 3946 to 3960 of 4705
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