Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. We never talked much, either. Anyway, only 60 more posts!^^
  2. Well, only you would know that, Fate. I've never met her, and we've never talked.
  3. However, Andromeda is very nice...
  4. There's that... and then our plan'll never come to pass...
  5. I have no clue. But we shouldn't brainstorm yet. What if Andromeda rejects the idea?
  6. What kind of events? Like "Scarcastic Post Day?"
  7. No, no, it's a club that promotes activity on TFF by planning events and stuff. So, there is no real manager or artist.
  8. Wonderful! I suppose Kilala is the artist, you're like the head manager(whatever), and I'm... uh... what am I?
  9. Nope! My sisters do the laundry and dishes. All I have to do is hang up or fold up all my own clothes. And I get payed 10 dollars a week for absolutely nothing at all.

    If Andromeda says yes, then we have a club that Laura wanted to start!^^
  10. Don't you? Anyway, it's good that Kilala knows the whole name situation now.
  11. At your house? You have chores that you need to do?
  12. No, nothing of the sort yet. Just endless jobs at the house.
  13. Late night shifts?
  14. You should get more used to that.
  15. You're finally back!^^
Showing Visitor Messages 3856 to 3870 of 4705
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