Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Still Alive!
  2. *sigh...*
  3. What song?
  4. Well, your message could have gone both ways. Besides, how could you not like it? It's like one of the best songs I've ever heard!
  5. You know the Tell Me Why song that I showed you yesterday? Yeah, songs like those, I like. And I'm known for being picky!
  6. You're so hard to please!
  7. No, I didn't.
  8. So, you DID like that!
  9. No, I like sad songs. Sad music by itself is sleepy.
  10. Okay, Fate, you want SAD music? Alright then, read this and WEEP... literally!
    YouTube - Sad Violin
  11. I'm not emo either, but sad songs are generally better than loud, screechy ones.
  12. It's a video game, and I'm not that emo!
  13. No... sad songs?
  14. Speaking of which, here's an awesome theme from Persona 4!
    YouTube - Persona 4 - The Almighty
  15. Uh... no... It's Fate.
Showing Visitor Messages 3826 to 3840 of 4705
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