Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. That's the worst... >_>

    ... -_- School teaches things that are useless... I SHOULD have just found it on my own... <_<
  2. Except, cords get annoying when there are too many. And I absolutely hate untangling my ear buds thing. <.<

    Hahaha, yeah! xD And no, you shouldn't have learned it at school (it's useless), you should have learned it randomly. =P Honestly, though, I learned nothing from doing Photoshop at school.
  3. I thought it would be an upgrade... Actually, no, reverse that. My DAD thought that would be an upgrade. "Hey, let's get wireless stuff. We can type from across the room, lolz." (He can shove those lolz...) Worst thing ever. The signal only works when it feels like it... (I'm switching back to cords... >_>)

    ...Does EVERYONE have to be so surprised by this? -_-
  4. Why did you buy it, then? xD

    You never knew, though?! xD
  5. Tell me about it... I have a wireless mouse, also. Worst pieces of crap I've ever owned... >_>

    Oh... Thanks for that! (Can't believe I never figured that out... <_<)
  6. I don't like the wireless ones. =3 Print Screen is the one that you need. Then just paste onto a image document like Pain or Photoshop or GIMP or whatever. =3
  7. You have a regular, wired keyboard, don't you?

    I assume prt scr means Print Screen? Well, on this useless wireless keyboard, all I get it Print Screen to the left of the Pause Break button. Underneath that is the right numerical krypad... >_> I don't think I have that button...
  8. Let me teach you something new, then. Do you see on your keyboard where it says:

    prt scr

    That's the screenshot button. =P
  9. ...>_>

    I totally got mine before you. If I knew how to screen shot, I would show you the two time zones, when they were created. I got mine SO before you.
  10. They're not useless, they're purdiful-er than the normal things. 8D

    Neh, I got mine first. =]
  11. They seem kinda... useless... o_O I can totally tell where I am in the forum... Is that there for morons? O_o

    And I got one at the same time as you, so obviously we're on par in terms of awesomeness. >_>
  12. Because I'm awesome and they decided to give me one. =D but then everyone else got jealous, so they had to give everyone else one, too.
  13. You have one, too...

    Why is our names on top of our profiles in large font and bold? Cool... but kinda pointless... o_O
  14. xD Let's not screw Mavelle. xD (TTEOT was her first appearance? I think that just might've been her natural hair style, but for the remakes, she got a blond tint, even though she's totally different in SO4... But SO4 takes place in a separate universe, so...)

    4-29-93 is even better. Because it has two 9s, but yours has two 1s. Last I checked, 9 beats 1.

    I just suffered the same thing... >_> Why is it this site, though? Uni never has this problem...
  15. I can't remember anything but Disgaea 2 things now. xD And screw Mavelle, too. Although, I do believe any character can kill her with their bare hands. (Could be. But she also dyed her hair brownish-blondish, as well as take off her glasses. =P)

    Because 11-23-95 are better?

    How did you know? But yeah, only for this site, though.
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